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JG G36C G-0538 Adjustable FPS

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Hello all,
I’m a relative noob and have purchased a JG G36C, which is working nicely. However, I’ve read it has an adjustable muzzle velocity, and wondered if anyone has any experience of this? It certainly has the allen screw behind the folding stock, so I’m assuming my model has this feature.


Does anyone know what the tolerances are for this system? It currently fires at a reasonably solid 345 FPS, could this be taken down?  There’s an indoor site which has a limit of 330 FPS, would it get down to that?


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It should be a 30 fps variance. But it depends if yours was at a high fps from standard and the spring loosened off already.

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You'll have to try it and see, because all airsoft toy guns shoot differently.  Any FPS figures quoted are purely indicative, and a decent retailer will be clear about that.


Also, they can change over time.  My JG G36C with the same system was shooting at a disappointing 280-310fps out of the box.  After cleaning, lubing, and running some mags through it (but without opening the gearbox or dicking with the air seal beyond re-seating the hop and barrel) it jumped up to the 320-340 range.  I've currently got it dialled to 328 with about half the adjuster wound on, so I'd hope that if you dialled yours down, you should be able to achieve.

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You can buy an m100 spring and fit it in from behind with the system you have. Alternatively, you can take out your current spring and chop off a coil at the end which should reduce it by about 10-20 fps.

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Oh, that would be handy.  It had never occurred to me that the adjuster might wind right out of the gearbox , presumably only when its not in situ.


[Don't do it, Rog, it's working fine as it is.  Just leave it alone]

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Thanks all for the advice. I’ll have an experiment next time I have a chrono to hand. Another, very noob question, I’m assuming a clockwise turn increases the muzzle velocity?!

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