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masada 'AKR'

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Is that a fagpul AK?


You have GOT to be kidding me. I think I might just stab myself in the face with a fork till I can't see for the amount of blood.


Stupid fagpul...Ruining loyal defence workhorse of glorious motherland...

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basically it is useless, you are just going to have to spend more money on mags and pouches if someone stupidly bought that kit .....

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oh but still new mags, probably waay more expensive ;) looks cool and all, but and the end of the day it is just airsoft and you get what you like, such as someone might kill me for getting a DE but i wanted it etc. if anyone wants it, go ahead lol :)

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Fixed :P

Basically its a new lower receiver for the Masada acr that takes propriety akm mags.

Standard ones won't fit



Sir! How dare you bring into question the value and beauty of glorious defence workhorse of glorious motherland! :o


Seriously though, Magpul, ew.

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Seriously though, Fagpul, ew.


...Do we have to fix everything for you Finius?

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nah as you can't use AK mags, only the AK version of P mags whereas you can use M4/M16 mags in the standard 5.56mm lower well thats what i think ;)

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they are ok, but then unless your mate happens to have one, then you can't put anything in your gun, i mean don't get me wrong here, it looks cool, but i would prefer to spend a load of money so that i could share mags, this would be good when they make it better and allow you to use normal AK mags, would be good in the real world if that would happen :)

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lol and @marcus fair enough but i just think it i kinda pointless then lol just me though

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What's wrong with using the fagpul AK mags, they look alright, and if the PMAGs are anything to go by they'll be great


another thing you have to fork out for imo.

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FINALLY! Someone speaking sense!


AK's should be steel, wood and vodka.


Or plastic furniture to fit in with a modern Russian loadout ;)

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