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Help with my mancraft kit

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Okay so I have a mancraft hpa kit for my vsr but the regulator leaks when I pressurised it. Its coming from the red connector where the line feeds into the regulator. You can see the black line turn white where its cooling so much. Does anyone know if I can repair this or if not where can I get the spare part. I've had no luck with the mancraft website. Thanks in advance.


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If you look at the red part of that push fit there will be a number on it(I predict 4 or 6).


Unscrew the fitting, and get the thread size, I imagine it will either be 1/8” or 1/4” BSP. 


Once youve got these measurements you can order the parts easy. The part number will be PML04/04 for a 1/4” x4mm push fitting, or a PML02/08 for a 1/8” x6mm push fitting, will be about 60p from Beaumanor.(or one of their distributors)

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