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What attachments fit on what rail?

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Hey there! I'm super new to airsoft and I do not understand a thing or two about all those rails and which attachment fit with what.

Now.. this is what I want and am trying to do.. I'm trying to find a proper grip (a front and vertical grip)  a.k.a. stocks (right?). 
Sadly there are so many of them out there and they do not say on which rail they fit. However I got so far that I figured out my ICS SIG 552 Commando has an RIS/RAS rail.

On all kinds of websites where (cheap but also more expensive) grips are to be found it says nothing or rarely something about grips fitting on a RIS/RAS rail. 

Aside from that.. I'd just really like to know for in the future which grips fit on what type of rail.. how do I figure that out? 
I tried to google and all that jazz but.. other than the stuff that I just wrote above I can't find anything else about it.. aside from that fact that the distance between the indications of the rails are supposedly bigger.

Love to hear some feedback on this from y'all! 

Thanks in advance my lovely neighbour country airsofters ❤️ 




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Anything that says RIS or 20mm rail compatible should fit.

You are literally spoiled for choice for rail options. I would have a look on eBay and go from there.

Stocks are at the other end of your SIG to your rails!

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Keymod won’t fit , M-Lok won’t fit , but as Dentonboy said if it’s got 20mm , RIS or RAS in the description it will fit . 

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Generally 20mm rails are similar enough for items to fit most of the rails





There are differences in the angle and depth of the main rail, but the key difference from the weaver and picatinny is the spacing of the grooves.


If an item to be mounted such as grip has only one pin then it will for whichever rail there is


Weaver was standardised after picatiny.

Picatinny does not define the spacing as well as weaver does.


Weaver items will fit picatinny rails

Picatinny items might or might not fit weaver rails 


But they have been around for so long, that current accessories will probably fit

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16 minutes ago, AlCap0wnd said:

Will they fit for my replica too?


Essentially; yes.


Please read Tommikka's post. It answers in detail (and I'd just be repeating it so I see no point – said in the kindest way 👍).


EDIT: Find one you like the look of and post a link.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 26/02/2019 at 22:19, Immortal said:


Essentially; yes.


Please read Tommikka's post. It answers in detail (and I'd just be repeating it so I see no point – said in the kindest way 👍).


EDIT: Find one you like the look of and post a link.

Cool, I already found something before I read this hehe. Thanks though! 

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