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Flip Down Sights

Game Cam
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So I am looking at getting a TM Mp7 soon and I was going to use this holster (see image) to carry it. I like the MP7 sights but prefer red dot but looking at it, I couldn't fit it in the holster. 


I looked online and found a flip down red dot sight.



Does anyone have any experience with these? 

Are they worth a go? 

What do you kids think of them? 




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Why not go for magpul flip ups or something similar? 99% of clone sights will shake themselves to death on an MP7.


Side note that holster will be a massive pain in the arse as the gun itself is way to heavy to be efficient on a drop leg, Better off looking at a gun clip that hols it in place out the way till you need it.

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I had a look about for a solution to an MP7 holster.


Have these two:


For mounting on my Plate Carrier (wo1f put me on to this one)  :  https://www.weapon762.com/holster/1336-tmc-mp7-lightweight-kydex-holster.html?_pcnocache=1550057864434


For a belt mount. I have the stock of the MP7 level with my belt (pretty high on my leg) :  https://www.weapon762.com/holster/434-tmc-lightweight-mp7-holster.html?search_query=mp7&results=20


Tried the belt mount on Sunday, worked very well, didn't flap about or hinder my movement. I wasn't crawling about on the ground tho.


I wouldn't bother with extra sights,  the stock Iron ones work well enough, lets face the MP7 isn't sniper rifle...


As with all these things YMMV .



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