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KSG owners. How loose is your pump action?

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Heya guys. 


Just picked up my new KSG. Love the feel of it. I was surprised that the pump action was very loose in the first centimetre or so. Is this normal on your KSG's? Just need to make sure I don't have a Friday afternoon one ;)



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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Out of interest, were you told that, or did you try out some others?

I tried out others. They seem to be the same. Seems to be some flex side to side as well. Had so much fun just pumping it with some gas earlier. 

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They are quite ‘loose’ when you first rack them , but oh so satisfying noise when you do ! 😍

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11 hours ago, Asomodai said:

I tried out others. They seem to be the same.


Thanks for following up.  I asked because my cheap springer will only fire if the pump handle is right forward, and I mean it won't fire if it's even a millimetre or so back.  How's the KSG for that?  Can it be slam fired?

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Thanks for following up.  I asked because my cheap springer will only fire if the pump handle is right forward, and I mean it won't fire if it's even a millimetre or so back.  How's the KSG for that?  Can it be slam fired?

I think that's why there is a centimetre or two of give, so that it doesn't have to be dead on as far forward as possible. 

You can not slam fire KSG's, it was made purposely like that. I kinda like it like that as well :)


I had considered getting an AEP this month, but decided to do the sensible option and double down on KSG accessories. Ordered the side rail, sling swivel and the quick release. (Even though I ordered the DTD M4 mag adapter, I would like to use shells easily on occasion)

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