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SixG 416 Delta custom

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(This is a gun review, mod review, tech review, performance test, blog, me showing something cool. Couldn't decided where it should go, so it put it here. Apologies if its in the wrong place... IS there a Recoil thread?)


I thought id share with you all a gun that went from a purchase to prove a point that the TM MWS will always be king, regardless of money, to an absolute masterpiece of an AEG. Having owned a TM recoil scar H before, I was getting tired of the elitists going on about how amazing they where, when mine was no better than a slightly modified JG G36c in terms of range and accuracy. After one particular argument with one on the Recoil FB group, i told them the TM MWS would out shoot anything they had to offer and they were all full of shit (I'm diplomatic like that). After lots of people quoting figures and accuracy claims, i decided the best way would be to just have my own built. Quick email to Dave's Custom Airsoft and a phonecall back (Fantastic customer service by them) i had pre ordered TM's latest and greatest. The 416 Delta custom.




Now... Everyone and his dog sends their guns to KOA, but the guy takes 3 months off when his hairdressers hamster has a cough, so i wasn't waiting a year to have work done. That and i didn't want parts just thrown in the gun, i wanted to try multiple things. After seeing the work Dave at SixG has done on an Aug, recoil Scar H and MWS, i arranged to send the gun directly to him and explained what i wanted from the gun, which was max range and accuracy. He gave me a great breakdown of parts, and commented on his experience with each brand. I was going to buy all Prometheus, but was pointed towards certain Lonex parts which were actually machined better and cheaper. Before the build, a performance baseline was established, and the stock gun was capable of a 24" group at a measured 40M (or 110 airsoft meters😉)


With the gun and most of the parts in Dave's capable hands, everything began to come together in the gearbox, including these VERY cool, custom Phosfor bronze bushings that he machined for me.




The total list of internal mods are:

Standard EG1000 motor with the bevel height set

Lonex gears shimmed to 0.001"/ moly greased

SixG super bushings

Prometheus hard piston with the recoil components removed (The recoil on TM guns is backwards anyway, and i wanted max longevity so they went)

Prometheus piston head, silicone greased/ loctited blue

Lonex cylinder head

Modified Airlab Sorbo pad

Lonex nozzle

Prometheus type 2 cylinder

Eagle6 m95 spring

Lonex BB spring guide

BTC V2 with custom wiring harness







Now this is where i turned into a right pain in the ass, but Dave was very helpful. I wanted the absolute best range and accuracy, so barrel and hop was the most important part of this build. I sent him a couple of barrels and even more hop rubber/ nub combos to try, including some Airlab R hop patches. After lots of testing (including a crazy jet VSR barrel) we saw improvements, but Dave thought the gun had more to give. He machined the hop window of a Prometheus EG barrel, made his own R hop and modified the hop arm. Even with the R hop still breaking in, this 340 fps gun is throwing a .36 BB 65m.






With the gun now ready, the pre-cocking settings are explained to me to give me even better trigger response and the gun is shipped to me. I  book myself onto the Battlesim at Anzio camp with my MWS waiting in the boot for me to inevitably come get it after an hour. That hour didn't come and I played the whole 8 hours with this amazing bit of kit. It was hitting further than i could have hoped for, hitting targets at 60m+ on several occasions. It was in its element sniping as it was clearing rooms, and so far its the best AEG i have ever used or seen with my own eyes. (And ive shot a few KOA guns). Going to more range testing with the rangefinder at some point this week, and ill report back with max ranges and BB weights.


Massive thanks to Dave at SixG for building this rifle and for doing the impossible and making me like an AEG. if you want work done, I'd highly recommend you check him out. (he's just as godly with GBBR'S) https://sixgunsmithing.com/





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Sounds neat. I personally wouldn't have someone do this for me, but that's purely because I have access to my own machine shop with lathes, drills, and even a CNC machine (sometimes, although the wait is crazy). The gun looks mint, and those ranges and accuracies (if they are correct - not doubting OP, as he himself said 40m=110 airsoft meters :D) are phenomenal - this Dave guy seems like a fabulous tech. Shoulda sent my VSR barrel system to him instead of trying and failing to get what I wanted for a year and a half (but like yours, it shoots amazingly now)... Anyway, Dave sounds like a great resource - not many people will go that far for a customer in this day and age without slapping a massive price tag on it.


If you dont mind me asking, what did your build come to?

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Nice write up . I just got one last week and just got it ready to field this weekend... Leaving it standard for now but it may get some upgrades after this weekend ;) . As I run hpa all the time, it will interesting to see if I can get on with it or not lol.

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