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Tokyo marui Scorpion mod m worth it?

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Providing you understand it’s limitstions and it’s the gun you want then go for it. In terms of build quality it’s right up there. It is purely a CQB gun. Anything past 20m and you’re gonna struggle to hit them and if you do they probably won’t feel it because of how low the FPS is on AEP’s. 


Personally i think you can find better options for a similar size like the mp5k, but if that’s the style of gun you like and you can live with its cons it’s very cool

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I don't have that specific gun, but the stadard model.  I use it as a secondary when running a DMR.


My thoughts:


- TM build good guns

- mine is fun to use, so would assume the same

- performance is suprisingly good, I would say I get better than 20m, closer to 30 with .25s, would expect the same from this, but check reviews.



- I like mine as it is very light and without the stock is only slightly bigger than a pistol, but holds more rounds.  All the added bits on this version negate that in my opinion





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My 2 cqb guns we're the scorpion evo and the 556, 556 was a £100 cheaper and performance is outstanding! !

Love how compact it is and even with a tracer fitted it's only a few inches longer due to most going inside the cage.

New there £250.

2018-08-28 15.35.10.jpg

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