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new L85 on the market!

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I'm more interested in an EBR but Ill wait and see the proto-type video's of the aug.

I hope they make another 'WE wish you a merry xmas' type video this year, as last years was great

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The video I saw about sorting the faults out was uploaded by tisane, so no need to ask about how to solve them, it's all on youtube.


Didn't someone mention something earlier in this topic about the pistol grip coming loose and being impossible to tighten though? Do you think that might be a one off, or is there a fix for it? I think there was something about the bolt coming loose and falling off as well, or was that to do with those two loose pins in the bolt assembly?


I'm kinda surprised there aren't more faults to be honest. The L85 doesn't sound half as bad as my M16 was when I first got it.

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I love airsoft AUG's but the single problem I have with them is the inner barrel. You can't really do a quick change when you've got an inner barrel sliding about. And I wouldn't want to leave a barrel set in a backpack incase the inner barrel/hop unit was messed up.

I hope WE do something about it, like secure it to the outer.



Though I don't see why we can't ditch the inner barrel entirely.



The video I saw about sorting the faults out was uploaded by tisane, so no need to ask about how to solve them, it's all on youtube.


Didn't someone mention something earlier in this topic about the pistol grip coming loose and being impossible to tighten though? Do you think that might be a one off, or is there a fix for it? I think there was something about the bolt coming loose and falling off as well, or was that to do with those two loose pins in the bolt assembly?


I'm kinda surprised there aren't more faults to be honest. The L85 doesn't sound half as bad as my M16 was when I first got it.


WE's QC has gone up massively, and their new GBBRs are really nice. :P

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Didn't someone mention something earlier in this topic about the pistol grip coming loose and being impossible to tighten though? Do you think that might be a one off, or is there a fix for it? I think there was something about the bolt coming loose and falling off as well, or was that to do with those two loose pins in the bolt assembly?


THe pistol grip is attached to the lower receiver by a single small screw that cant really be tightened


The charging handle can fall out of the bolt- that probably what you're talking about

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I actually think it looks really damn sexy.


Apart from the "For airsoft only" I can't actually believe they put that on it :(


And yeah, the gun looks **** in tan. It wouldn't be so bad if it were just the cheek rest panel, grip and hand guard but the whole thing?! Just no.

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Agreed, when you see the occasional photos of squaddies who've DIY tan/desert camoflagued their guns, I think it looks pretty good.

That just looks hideous.

I honestly hope that it's just a prop (like all those 100% bright blue M4s or P226s you see companies displaying their products like optics or holsters on)

I'll be honest, I'd love to see all black SA80s - like the XL60 series of prototypes, they looked so awesome with the plastics in black. (Sort of makes you want to hum the Imperial March tune...)


The pistol grip - sometimes the factory doesn't send the L85 out with that single screw fully tightened (oddly enough, this is a similar problem with ICS's L85/6) - but it doesn't affect all of them. It just needs tightening up a bit.

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UnfortunAtely Hubert, that tan l85 is a production model and on sale

God have mercy


Gott im Himmel!

/german soldier in WW2 film mode


Really? They actually made, and are trying to sell an all tan L85?

Sweet Zombie Jesus!

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Does anyone know anything else about this now? It's been a while.


Anything new about the RIS, upgrade parts, RA Tech had a faff with it or anything like that?

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Ok, the madbull ris is out and with a tiny bit of modification (to the gas block.or something I think) it will fit


Ra tech have made a steel bolt which gives greater recoil and should stop the holes closing up.


I'm sure there was something else so I'll post here again when/if I remember.

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Do you know where all these things can be bought from? Is there a guide about installing the RIS anywhere? Altering the gas block sounds like something I could easily screw up.


What about the functionless manual bolt stop? Is there a functioning one yet?


I really find it amazing that you guys manage to find all this stuff. I mean, I'll google it for hours and follow link after link and never get anywhere. It's so frustrating. I guess it doesn't help that I don't have my own PC and the ones at work have everything with "gun" written anywhere blocked. But yeah... There needs to be one Airsoft website that just does everything. Forum. Shop. Technical help. Upgrade assistance. The job lot.


Where's Dev? Lol.

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I think I might've read it on my phone a while ago.


About the bolt faults? And he managed to make the bolt stop work by cutting a groove into the bolt guide?


I can't decide whether to get a sniper first, or just get the L85. It's eating away at my soul knowing how much it'll cost and I'm so worried it'll be another big disappointment.


I think I might just start entering the lottery lol.

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Yeah, someone did, can't find either guide though, found this:



Got mine today for my WE version.

Also very impressed, with a small modification to the supplied adaptor and the original sling loop screw cut down it fitted on nice and tight, there was a worry that there may have been a slight amount of play, but no its as solid as a rock.

Best of all theres no need at all to purchase the separate adaptor that Madbull keep saying they are going to release for ICS and WE

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Cool. So it's just a screw that needs shortening. That's good to know.


I'm going to price it all up and then go buy a lottery ticket lol.

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  • AF-UK Founding Member
There needs to be one Airsoft website that just does everything. Forum. Shop. Technical help. Upgrade assistance. The job lot.


Where's Dev? Lol.


/goes off topic


We have that minus the shop :P


Have you tried using a proxy at work to get around the filter?

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/goes off topic


We have that minus the shop :P


Have you tried using a proxy at work to get around the filter?


I daren't.


I mean, I work for a bank. Everything I do gets logged, I'm only safe as long as they don't check it lol. I think using a proxy would probably cause the "What's he doing?" alert blinky light to blow me up.

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