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site seems to be going downhill

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I've been playing airsoft at this site for longer than I've played at any other site. It's where I started 4 years ago althoug I've played at loads of other sites. But lately it just seem to be going down hill. In all the time I've been playing there I don't think there's ever been anything added to the safezone or the bunkers/game areas. Which isn't too bad as long as the gameplay is good. It just seems there isn't being any effort put inot different games or anything new. Theres a few more games now which is good but I'd like to see more.


Don't get me wrong the marshalls are all very helpful and I've had a laugh with them many times but over the past few months they seem a bit disorganised. They all seem to say different things regarding certian rules and the site keeps changing it's policy on facemasks. One miniute under 18s can wear goggle the next they can't. Now we're not aloud to wear lower mesh masks which give you as much protection and we're not even alowed to wear the pretorian full face mask which require goggle on top of them which acctually provide more protection than most masks as they protect your forehead and allow the use of helmets...


In a way all these rules are fair enough. If they want under 18s to use only full face mask than that's ok (most sites do). They just keep changing theIR mind about it! Me and a mate were wearing shemaghs, helmets and goggles throughout the whole day. We spoke to many marshalls as we usually do who seemed happy enough about us using them. Then later at the end of the day one of the marshalls wgo acctualy said what we were wearing was fine changed his mind and said we couldn't use what we're wearing. I wouldn't mind so much if he told us at the beginning of the day but that's seriously taking the ######...


Anyway rant over (for now)

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Well I understand problem completely, id advise talking to them, mafking sure they say exactly what their graffiti protection requirements are so you won't get turned away or anything.

As for boring scenarios maybe suggest that they have a build day or something, or put up a topic asking aboutpeoples favourite game types and objectives etc.


On another note, about your Sig, are you challenging me? :lol::P

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A few people have spoken to them but nothing seems to get through. Hopefully i'm gonna be able to play else where soon. The only reason we go there is because of the red 1 shop and the stock we carry for it.


As for the sig I'm trying to get my website's views back up to where they used to be. We had loads of views from the forum at one time but after the last guide we didn't get any feedback so I need to get it back to the status it was. And yes I realise the font is rediculously big! :lol:

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s*** thing is, i cant put my mask together again,

1) effort

2)...i would say effort again,

i might turn up and ask them again after paying for the entry, then they will say you cant use it, so i can then say i dont have a mask, and i dont have money with me...then hopefully i get a free mask :P or a free one to rent, but i think i might send 'em a strongly worded letter, Alex you can help me, we shall put it in an envelope and throw it at them :P nah just hand it to them and walk away lol

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