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Rifle cameras

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Unfortunately my last weeks airsoft event was riddled with cheats and has made me consider the possibility of getting a camera for my rifle,has anybody any reccomendations please,cheers.

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lol, bit of an expensive way to make a point,guess in my mind its just having the evidence there that cant be argued with,bit extreme I agree but it just fucks me off, anyway ranting now.

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if people arent taking hits let the marshalls know, if the marshalls then don't do anything about it then it's time to find a new site.


or you could just keep hosing them down until they take it, but i've had people not take hits from the mg42 and there's not really much escalation from there.

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Drift action cameras are a lot better suited to fit on a RIF due to them looking a bit like fat PEQ boxes.

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