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Importation - Charges by HMRC

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1 hour ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Not entirely true. Anything that is remotely weapon related can be flagged up and queried. 


They probably wouldn't pull a rail as they dont scream gun on an xray machine but a receiver and stock certainly did 🙄


Ukara isn't required except for rifs but anything can queried if they choose. Didn't get asked directly for Ukara although it was part of the proof I used was mainly along the lines of why do you want it and are you making a gun.


1 hour ago, E21A said:


True dat. I had to make a firearms declaration for some magazines a while back 🤪


Well, you learn something new every day.




Which unfortunately pushes out some of the old stuff so...oh look! A squirrel!

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Though slightly off topic, it has been my experience that slow post through our nation's capital attracts far less attention than some of the less busy places which can examine every parcel. While I lived in London I had >$2000 in imports which did not attract any charges (admittedly most of them were fraudulently marked down at 1/10th of their value (though still over £15) - something which I never requested. 


Since moving back up north every package has attracted the charges. I do believe I did once have a package which attracted more than £11.25 in duty - that was nice (as the duty was included and limited for orders under ~£750).


Ah, the point. While I was in London all of the "speedpost" packages of any value always attracted the charges. When ordering from Asia - in or around a big city opt for the slowest delivery method.


And watch out for evike and UPS, UPS demands your UKARA number before they will even process the package through customs if the shipper is a known airsoft retailer (and their daily rental pre-customs is much higher than post-customs). You can of course get around this by telling them to open the parcel if ukara doesn't apply. :) 



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4 hours ago, ak2m4 said:

So in total, came to about £36 ?  Sucks man



Yup. I know. Ah well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well just had to pay £24.73 to HMRC for my part from G&G wishing I had just bought a new gun instead, love new toys, OH THE EXPENSE

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It sucks paying tax but these are the rules we agree to live by. I would also remind people this is an open forum I would not go broad casting about committing tax invasion. 

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