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Recommendation for 20mm rail covers please

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Rubber or plastic?


Full cover or ladder style.


Are those put together from multiple short sections as reliable as the longer ones?


Looks like they are all a friction fit.


There's a lot of stuff out there and I don't know where to start.


I'd be grateful for any recommendations.

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The ladder types keep the handguard at its' standard width, so that's what I go with, super easy to chop to the exact length you want too.  Other larger/bulkier types make the forend uncomfortably wide to hold in my experience and they're rarely the exact size you want.


Wouldn't exactly fret over it though, hardly makes any real difference in the scheme of things.  None of them are actually rubber either, just flexible plastic..  Why reliability is a question I'm honestly not sure, just pick a colour you like, whack 'em on... done.  You'd have to buy some uber cheap junk to have them just fall off mid game.

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12 hours ago, emilianoksa said:

Rubber or plastic?


Full cover or ladder style.


Are those put together from multiple short sections as reliable as the longer ones?


Looks like they are all a friction fit.


There's a lot of stuff out there and I don't know where to start.


I'd be grateful for any recommendations.


I like the bigger covers - I have one on each side spanning the full length of the handguard. They do lock at the end with a push-mechanism. Have heard good things about Magpul XTM Covers

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I have knock off copies of the Magpul XTM covers on my MK18. I like them, but them I have big hands.

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