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Tactical Chav !

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Yes folks that time has finally arrived ! Now you CAN go all ‘Uber leet speshal farces’ and STILL dress like a chav ! 

Emerson have brought out tactical joggers ! And there available in all those must have patterns as well !  🤦‍♂️



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I did (very) briefly consider buying Primark tactical joggers as a last second solution to a camo only event. ;) 


Apocryphally, the gangsta grip is because when you're doing a drive by on a group of Front Yard Ballas, having your gat kick in a horizontal plane means you're more likely to cap at least one of them than missing the whole set.  Could very well be an urban legend about urban life though.

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5 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Could very well be an urban legend about urban life though.

OR it could even be a load of urban bollox as well ! 😂😂

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