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Xcortech pistol tracer unit

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This little tracer unit is advertised as suitable for both pistol and rifle.


Is there any reason why a bigger unit would be better on a rifle?


I assume it's down to battery size and therefore how long you can play with it on a full charge.



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If you mean the xt301, I just got hold of one of these for my mk23/arp9 - hoping to give it is first outing on Wednesday night.
I went for it because it's small and rechargeable. I normally play for three hours on an evening, so I'll let you know how it gets on 😄


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I’m terms of use, it has increased battery life. It may be a touch brighter too, but not noticeably. 


The shorter one for pistols is to keep the weight down. On some guns you can have cycling issues with a big suppressor on the end. They’ll work just as well on a rifle, they just look a little out of place, because you never really see short suppressors on rifles 

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Works fine on rifles, battery is not an issue. Lasts all day at the mall with a lot of use. It does look a little silly on a big rifle as it is smaller than a TM/B&T one.. But then thats why I run it on my SMGs 

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