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What should I search for a suppresor?

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Alright basically I have a G&G Wildhog and want a suppressor for it, I cannot find a suppressor to remove the muzzle what should I search to find one?

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There might be a grubscrew you'll need to remove before you can screw off the muzzle break. After that just thread on a suppressor you like the look of. You're looking for 14mm CCW threads (or just buy an adapter). 

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There will almost certainly be a grub screw but also be careful that it may be reverse threaded so lefty loosely may not apply.


I’ve just done a bit of a project on my Nuprol Delta Defender. I fitted this with a suppressor but this is basically a convincing shell full of foam washers. It has some effect on noise. However, first game either a B.B. shattered or went off course and the foam deformed. More BB’s piled in and pushed the foam up to the end  where it became an effective plug.


To this end my suppressor became a total dud. I had a look at how the SAK suppressors work on my rimfire rifles and nicked the design. 3D printed a new set of baffles for the Airsoft suppressor and the end result should be something that reduced muzzle report but also should handle B.B. issues by collecting the odd mishap in the baffle chambers.


Hopefully looks good and has some small function of the Ethan making the rifle longer!




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8 minutes ago, L3wisD said:

The mall with no tracer wasn't as good. :(




I played with and without tracer BBs and agree, much better with.

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The LEDs run most of the way down the tracer.

However the motion sensor is right next to the thread, so a barrel extension would stop BBs triggering the LEDs.

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6 hours ago, L3wisD said:

The LEDs run most of the way down the tracer.

However the motion sensor is right next to the thread, so a barrel extension would stop BBs triggering the LEDs.


Thanks fella that's what I wanted to know 

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9 hours ago, Ballist1x said:


Thanks fella that's what I wanted to know 


I meant to say, there's another option for tracers if you wanted to run a barrel extension through a silencer...


You can have the tracer unit inside the hop up, and it's usually wired to the guns battery.


Something like the MAXX hop up:





Or the madbull 3-in-1 unit





Might be worth considering if you want to do the long-barrel-in-a-short-gun thing.

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