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Cheap BBs

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What are the cheapest BBs one can get? Looking for some easy to buy ammo for grenades and grenade launchers only. (It's quite funny to say that you eliminated someone using crappy bbs, and I do not wanna use up my diamond precision ones.)

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Don't buy cheap shit. If you put cheap shit through your gun it will just fuck up the internals and have nothing but poor performance. Minimum .25g, I recommend ASG Blaster Devils. Get them as cheap as you can but do not buy unbranded cheap shit.


Edit: Oh my bad, for grenades. Umm fuck it just buy 10,000 .12g bb's from China and laugh as people pick them out of their bodies.


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Just now, Duff said:

Don't buy cheap shit. If you put cheap shit through your gun it will just fuck up the internals and have nothing but poor performance. Minimum .25g, I recommend ASG Blaster Devils. Get them as cheap as you can but do not buy unbranded cheap shit.



You misunderstand. I am specifically gonna buy cheap bbs for my grenade shell, which you just pile up to the brim with bbs. There is no inner barrel or complex system to fuck up. There is no point in buying and wasting expensive bbs if all you're going to do is hurl 100 of them a few meters in a gigantic cloud of gas and bbs.


Image result for airsoft grenade shell

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i think Airsoft World sell crap BBs (QC failures) specifically for launchers/claymores etc FYI :)

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