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Uncompany HK

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Just wanted to share my experience with this retailer from HK.


I was looking for a PGC slide set for my TM18C and this was one of the few retailers who had one in stock, so I placed the order and paid with PayPal. 3 days later, I hadn't received any update or notification that the item had been shipped so followed up with an email.

Fobbed me off with excuses about the item shipping from Taiwan but it would be sent shortly, fair enough.

Another 3 days passes and when I finally get a response, item is out of stock (still listed as in stock on their website today) and I should request a refund from PayPal. Raised the dispute with PayPal and they didn't respond to PayPal's requests for additional information (to be able to process it before the 21 days) so had to wait nearly a month to get my money back because they couldn't be bothered to respond to them.


Eventually got my money back but such a pain in the arse. I know these guys have rare parts but they have lost a customer here. 

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Yeh, they're very hit and miss (much like DENTrinity). They stock some things that no one else has, but many of the far east websites are so antiquated and just not updated properly. Companies that hold hundred of thousands of pounds worth of stock but can't spare 15 grand to have their website overhauled? It's very annoying.


You dodged a bullet anyway as the PGC slides are crap :D They're not a slightly harder alloy like the 7075 Guarder stuff so they get cosmetic wear really quickly. Look like they've been in a war zone after a year or so.


https://www.rainbow8.com/ are excellent for TM pistol upgrade bits, but I'm guessing you've already looked here (fairly sure they don't stock any PGC stuff anyway). Are PGC even in business anymore? :S

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Only Asian websites I have had zero probs with are WGC Shop and ehobby.  Buyer beware with the others, I always send an email ahead of making a big order to check stock.

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kic.tw also have some rare stuff but definitely email them first.

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5 minutes ago, proffrink said:

You dodged a bullet anyway as the PGC slides are crap :D


I managed to find one at Airsoft Global - similar lack of web development but great customer service, but that's another post! Haven't had any issues with the slide so far and fit the TM without any mods. Should i expect it to suddenly fail on me?

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UN are literally one of the oldest Airsoft retailers in HK but As Proff said there web site is absolutely antiquated , honestly don’t think it’s changed in the 18+yrs I’ve been S’ofting ! 

Shame you had such a shit service as over the yrs I’ve had a relatively trouble free experience with them , but I’ve  always Emailed them first to check what evers in stock  . 

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