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(New Player) Need help with picking a gun!

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problem is, she already has a gun FFS! so this topic isnt really needed either, also that Dboys M4 you have Amy looks decent (Zak is hoping this IS actually Amy's topic) :P

EDIT, it isnt FAIL

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And 2 para and the white house and the fbi and Al Queda :lol::P


but seriously, anything from jing gong, cyma, src or classic army will suit you gun wise.

for gear you can pick up a cheap viper vest for 25-30 pounds and glasses- well others will have to answer that lol.

you can pick up bdu's from any surplus store and make sure you have some decent boots

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  marksman556 said:
And 2 para and the white house and the fbi and Al Queda :lol::P


but seriously, anything from jing gong, cyma, src or classic army will suit you gun wise.

for gear you can pick up a cheap viper vest for 25-30 pounds and glasses- well others will have to answer that lol.

you can pick up bdu's from any surplus store and make sure you have some decent boots

I got my first glases by stealing I mean finding them in the science block :P

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right guys drop the both elephant and sas crap, next person to even remotely mention it, is going to loose some privileges for a little while

o and remove it from your sigs as well please

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hi im new to airsoft and have also been looking for a weapon. ive found a couple and seen the g36c and took my liking but i have been told to stay away from plastic guns as they break easy. so i thought id find a forum and ask the pros if you like. so is plastic ok for a first weapon. i dont realy want to be spend 100-150 on an item thats going to break after my first battle.

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  • 1 month later...
  marksman556 said:
you would be better off throwing bbs


never buy anything off just bb guns theyre all terrible

Very true bought something off them and the silencer (mock) fell off and now I can't put any barrel in the gun :(

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