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How to check upgrades

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17 minutes ago, Prisce said:

Hmm... Ash, if it doesn’t work properly after you have put it back together, drop me a Pm. 

The new hop rubber should arrive Thursday. If it still doesn’t fix it I’ll give you a shout. I’ve had this gun a year and I’d quite like to be able to use it some point soon!

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Autobot 70 rubber installed. Problem still persists!

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seams strange that your bb's roll out until you apply 40% hop then the BB jambs - what type of Airsoft pro hop arm is that ? U Shape or Roller Shape nub on the arm ? might be worth removing the rubber and check it fits ok in the window of the barrel then resemble the whole hop unit and look down the end of the barrel and make sure you get a nice smooth adjustment - hard to explain what i am trying to get at but maybe your hop adjustment goes from off (allowing the bb to roll out)  to 40% (far to much so causes a jamb) on with no real adjustment in between due to something pinching or snagging - just a thought ! 

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1 hour ago, madmogga said:

seams strange that your bb's roll out until you apply 40% hop then the BB jambs - what type of Airsoft pro hop arm is that ? U Shape or Roller Shape nub on the arm ? might be worth removing the rubber and check it fits ok in the window of the barrel then resemble the whole hop unit and look down the end of the barrel and make sure you get a nice smooth adjustment - hard to explain what i am trying to get at but maybe your hop adjustment goes from off (allowing the bb to roll out)  to 40% (far to much so causes a jamb) on with no real adjustment in between due to something pinching or snagging - just a thought ! 

It's a roller type.


And nope, I've adjusted the hop while looking down the barrel and I can see the bucking moving in and out smoothly and evenly. Have been troubleshooting with Prisce and we think it may be an issue with a faulty stopper (loading latch) that is depressing too far and leaving too big of a gap between the cylinder head and the hop up bucking - copy and paste of my theory:



I see what’s going on! When the magazine is inserted, the feed lip is released, the BBs enter the hop unit continuously like an AEG. The bolt is pulled back, the entrance to the hop is opened, the first BB is pushed up and around into the hop, the second BB follows, and a third BB rests loosely in front of the cylinder head. The bolt is pushed forward and locked, the cylinder head forces all three into the hop. The first BB is forced through the bucking and into the barrel, and rolls out the end. The remaining two BBs are seated together in the hop. With the hop off, the power is sufficient to double fire. If the hop is engaged at all, it cannot fire them both and they become jammed. Every time the bolt is pulled back and there’s an empty “chamber”, 3 BBs can just about fit, so they do. It’s taking 3 at a time


Re the stopper/loading latch, I think the spring isn't the only issue. I think if it's supposed to line up with the hop rubber, the plastic piece itself is too small: tell me if this derpy diagram - with a view from where the cyliner head would be, looking forward through the hop down the barrel - makes sense?



stopper issue.jpg

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9 minutes ago, PT247 said:

grab yourself an Action Army hop chamber, should fix everything! :-)

I've been looking at those. But I'm picking coins out from under the sofa cushions to go skirmishing at the moment :lol:


A slightly less expensive possibility is this £11 CNC airsoftpro thingy https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/airsoft-pro-aluminium-cnc-bbs-loading-latch-for-vsr-rifles-and-copies

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  • Root Admin

Shim the magazine with bits of paper first to confirm feeding is an issue. I agree with PT247 though - that mag catch is 1/4 of the cost of one anyway, so stash those pennies from it :)


If possible borrow a couple of mags too and just check that it's not yours. I found the JG ones to be hit and miss. Marui ones were good of course.

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I know what its like finding those pennies - fault finding and upgrading is expensive -  Ive upgraded two VSR 10's and put action army hops in both and they work great so if you can get one i would go for it,

But if it helps i should still have both the old hop chambers around somewhere so send me  a PM with your address and ill send you one so you can try it out or use the parts for spares. 

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  • 2 months later...

Action Army chamber in post from Crawley Surplus, arriving tomorrow. Fingers cross this solves it, there’s not much else I can change!

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On 3/29/2018 at 7:49 PM, PT247 said:

grab yourself an Action Army hop chamber, should fix everything! :-)

I did, and it did.

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