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Fire hawks coming and need help on optic

Shaun Haynes
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So due to take delivery  of my g and g firehawk for cqb this week  ( got my video to remove the current muzzle break and swap for tracer unit at the ready but) I'll be mounting my peq box to it  most likey on top  part of rail  as I prefer to hold the front part of the  gun around the rail as such as I find it more comftable then a  foregrip.  Any suggestion a red dot  sight then low cost and will allow me to see over the peq box. As on current r

Gun it has much more rail space so  I mounted the peq on the side so  the optic iS fairly low

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Unless you're buying one of those micro red dot sights most will still be visible over the PEQ box. Cheap optics are all the same. Just pick one you like the style of.


Aimpoint and Eotech replicas will definitely be visible but you could probably get away with a reflex sight if you wanted. 

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