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Which M203?

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Hi guys,

im looking for advice on which make of m203 is a good one to go for.

it must be rail mount and I would ideally like it with the barrel holder that goes around the m4 barrel notch if that makes sense?

Thabks for the help as always

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Pretty much any of them, they're all basically a tube with a plunger in the end. My advice - don't pay loads for one, you'll use it a few times, the shells will leak and then you'll get fed up with lugging what is basically an outsized shotgun about with you.


They look cool AF though.

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The problem with them is their lack of practicality. They are a permanent weight on the end of your gun that is rarely used. Even with shells that never leaked, their use is very limited. The only reason I’d get one personally is if I had a field that would let me use tag rounds. To my knowledge, none of them do lol

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I know 1 site that allows TAG rounds and its The Gaol in Leicestershire lol. First site I've seen that allows them and for indirect fire use only. (Even this sote has only recently started accepting TAG round usage)

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1 hour ago, Eddairsoft said:

Thanks for the advice, I take it the shells are pants then?


A lot of them are. They all need regular maintenance to keep them going and have a habit of losing all their as just when you want to fire them!


The SHS ones aren't too bad though.

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