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Nuprol Raven G18 pistol

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Has anyone used or seen this pistol in action?


I know they are recently new to the market and I'm aware of Nuprols less the perfect reputation, Just want to know if they are any good for the price.



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I tested one in a local shop, looks nice, feels cheap and tacky, performance is meh, but for £89 I think it’ll sell well, couple of mods and it’ll be just as good as any other g18.

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Forgive my ignorance, but what gives Nuprol such a bad reputation? 


From what I've gathered they're just rebrands of other company's products. 

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Well it basically finds the cheapest item, sticks a name on it and charges 3 times as much.


Reason I give it a bad name, when I first started out, I didn’t join here. I went to a local shop who suggested nuprol products, all broke within a week or two of owning. Then I have seen brand new Nuprol guns, in game, destroy themselves on first outings. 


The only few Nuprol items I still own and use are mesh goggles(will be replaced with herosharks once I’m no longer satisfied with them), mesh face mask, and M4 Stanag mags.


Just my experiences.

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14 hours ago, Gepard said:

 what gives Nuprol such a bad reputation? 


From what I've gathered they're just rebrands of other company's products. 

You said it yourself. Amazing what branding can do to the price of cheap sh*t

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