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Nuprol Pioneer Defender in Black from bbguns4less?

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I think nuprol are there own worst enemy. One of they're reprosentetives was on the forum and semed very cagey about which factory made them. As you say they re brand stuff. If they are working with a manufacturer  then which one? Again it might be worth phoning some shops to find what the gun techs think of them or if they had many returns

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To be fair, the factory/factories might be producing parts or guns under an ostensibly exclusive agreement with a name brand, and be punting items out the back door on the sly.  They wouldn't exactly want that broadcast.


Which isn't an argument in favour of going Nuprol.  If it is an off-brand version of a mid-to-high end gun, their only USP is to advertise that, and point out that theirs is cheaper.  If that is the case then it's for them to show it rather than for us to assume it.

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went for a CM16 over a Nuprol after advice from here and very happy with it! Had my first game with it at Skirmish Exeter and took a fair few people down B)


Running on a 7.4v 1450 Lipo as recommended and got through a whole day without any drop in performance. Can't wait for next time to give the Nuprol Bocca Suppressor a whirl. 

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To answer the original question (although you seemed to have talked yourself out of that gun) its pure economics, justbb and the bb sites are decent sites, its just they brand the worst pieces of garbage as super pew pew elite sniporz and most of what they offer is garbage. That being said branded items are sometimes cheaper there as you have found out. So do your wallet a favour and buy from there (there are always discount codes around too for there).


And to weigh in on a topic in the middle of the thread I started with a Combat machine (shorter barrel) and its fine for woodland, stuck a lipo in and works a treat. Just remember it is a starter gun, the ROF and range in comparison to a lot of other guns will not be great when you start out. Once you know what your doing a few simple things can help but to use the car analogies again, dont expect your ford focus to keep up with the BMWs.....


And having clicked reply without reading your final post (i can see it above hahaha) glad your happy with our new toy, suppressors look amazing on the short raider :ph34r:

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one other thing I have found is the aftermarket service varies greatly.  my first gun was from a well known store which didnt seem to have a bad rep.  being new to the scene i bought from them and got them to downgrade the fps, first game using 7.4v lipo and the handle got very warm after a few shots and stopped working.  took it back to get fixed and worked fine.  after i got to know my local site and their tech guy, i asked him to take a look and it turns out they had cut the spring down to reduce the fps and im guessing had buggered the ar latch or something.  i paid around £60 for parts and labour for this also.  


now I tend to research the gun and buy at the lowest price, then either do the maintenance myself or take it to my local site guy if im not sure i can handle it.



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