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Sight recommendations

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I've recently just purchased my first rifle which is a 


i play at my local cqb indoor site and am looking for a optic to play with. 

Has anyone got any recommendations on what I should go with?

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You don't want a magnified optic for CQB. Iron sights are generally fine, but if you want to go down the optic attachment route, I'd suggest a tubeless reflex. Make sure you have a good lens protector on though, it'll be getting shot far more often than at, say, a woodland site. I'd recommend the ACM 4-Reticle Reflex Sight - I used to have one. It's bright, gives you an open field of view, clear dot on target and not going to break the bank when it inevitably gets smashed.


You could of course try some different iron sights - I would suggest that your current sight setup that came with your SR-S isn't ideal for CQB. I'd say you should go with an HK-style front sight and a large aperture ghost ring rear sight. 1000x more reliable too.


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