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Which Tokyo Marui?

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Hello all,


Looking for some advice on the subject, I'm looking into purchasing a TM next gen but stuck between either the HK416 series and the SCAR series, What are peoples opinions?


I'm opting for TM due to the quality, realiabilty and part realism of what the next gen series offers, I'm not to interested in GAS I play all year round in all weather, however if you could suggest anything else feel free.


Many thanks,


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MK16 is a SCAR....


They're all good. Get the one that you like the look of. If you get the SCAR-H just be aware of the size of the mags when you look at ammo pouches.

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5 minutes ago, Lozart said:

MK16 is a SCAR....


They're all good. Get the one that you like the look of. If you get the SCAR-H just be aware of the size of the mags when you look at ammo pouches.


Yes sorry I corrected my post now, I meant the HK416 my bad and thank you for your opinion, I'm aware of the mag size difference. Internals are pretty much all the same between the lot as far as I'm aware?

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28 minutes ago, Cal0303 said:

either the HK416 series and the SCAR series


12 minutes ago, Lozart said:

MK16 is a SCAR...


Loz needs his reading glasses checking ;)  [and now need to check mine because the OP quote had been edited]


The 416 is better looking (the stock does not look like a Wellington boot)


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1 minute ago, Cal0303 said:


Yes sorry I corrected my post now, I meant the HK416 my bad and thank you for your opinion, I'm aware of the mag size difference. Internals are pretty much all the same between the lot as far as I'm aware?


Pretty much, yes. I like SCARs so I'd have to say get one of those (I'd love one if I could afford it) although I seem to remember reading somewhere that the recoil isn't as pronounced on the SCAR because of the folding stock.

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Just now, Jedi_Master said:



Loz needs his reading glasses checking ;) 


The 416 is better looking (the stock does not look like a Wellington boot)



No I don't (see his post quoting mine)


Also, SCAR am bestest gnu. Any fule kno that.

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Whichever one you choose, the TM recoil is always a great choice.  Just do not buy it in tan because they are ugly! 

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8 minutes ago, Jedi_Master said:

Just do not buy it in tan because they are ugly! 



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Even a plain Jane tan SCAR can be made more attractive with the application of a little make up - sprayed with Krylon camouflage paint.

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Thank you for the input both of you, much appreciated I understand whichever one I purchase will be a great choice because 'Tokyo Marui'

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I like the HK416 over the SCAR, just saying,

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Hello, ;)

Yeah all personal preference this one. I personally like the scar h or l more, I think they are by far the best looking assault rifle around.. The hk416 looks too much like a m4 for my liking and so many people have m4's..


Like you say mate either one you choose your going to really like. :)

Happy shooting.

ATB, Marc.

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