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Looking for UK military uniform answers

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I am starting to get into airsoft and I'm a sucker for detail. To ensure I don't offend any British soldier I want to ensure any part of my uniform/patches that I wear are correct. Would anyone that has knowledge of how a British soldiers uniform should be, even the finer details such as where your rank patch goes, be able to point me in the right direction?

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  • Head Moderator

IIRC, the rank slide is worn on the front centre of the combat shirt or smock.  The Union Jack, and All Arms Commando dagger, worn on the left shoulder, with para wings and tactical recognition flash (i.e Engineers, Artillery, Signals) on the right shoulder.


You could start by looking here: http://www.army.mod.uk/equipment/23215.aspx


Airsoft is just a hobby, I would avoid wearing any rank or specialist insignia on my clothing.

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thankyou very much for your help, I was looking for this information primarily for milsim due to my group of friends being interested in roles in the squad this will be a good way to show it, thanks again

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  • Mostly Retired Moderators

I'd be quite concerned about offending actual soldiers by trying to imitate every detail of their uniform, right down to their rank.


I imagine real Soldiers wouldn't give two hoots if your patches are wonky or not in the correct place.


But that's just me.

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As others have said, i wouldnt wear any rank, insignia or qualification patches you personally havent earned or been entitled to, especially if its insignia you have to pass arduous courses to have the right to wear.




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I should have mentioned that I wouldn't be wearing any official insignia and that all of my patches will either be moral or custom, but I would like them to be in the correct positions. an example would be that I wear the Scottish flag instead of the British flag, but wouldn't want to wear the Scottish flag in the wrong place. Jedi_Master helped a lot in pointing out key areas for patches.

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I'll let you into a bit of a secret - most squaddies won't give a toss about how well you wear the kit and badges when you're playing.  Just don't try to falsely claim to be something you aren't, and ensure that the context of any pictures on Facebook etc are that they are game play.



in reality they are glad of people out there making a second hand market for their 'surplus' stuff, and they will take the mick

about you being too accurate, not being accurate etc

Some people will take offence either way - there are those that take offence that a cadet or reservist wears uniform, or point out a teenager at a festival in a denison smock.  Others have a life and let other people have fun



Have a look around for regimental dress codes on google, such as the Rifles below who have probably the most sets of dress






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