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Is this broken?

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Righto, my infamous Combat Machine was and is working fine (for a flipping change) Used it yesterday to great effect, however!


Today whilst cleaning and packing away my gear I noticed there is a silver bar above the outer barrel in the handrail which seems to have come loose or broken off. It looks like it is attacked to the front sight and supposed to connect to the main body but is loose/snapped near where I would assume it was supposed to connect to the body.


A - What is it for? I am assuming its to strengthen the front end

B -  Is this majorly important, the gun fires fine but this bar does rattle a little

C - Would this be a fairly easy fix? It looks like I should be able to take apart the front end and chuck a new one in.


a little help on the above points would be great.

I will likely take it apart soon but am a lazy sod so wouldnt hold my breath :lol: if its good to use I may leave it another game or two

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lol brill.. will likely leave it for the time being, its more of a back up now anyway

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