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Increasing range?

Sam Pascoe
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soo i have this A&K m4 casv, but I'm looking to increase the range. The gun is completely stock, the range is okay, but id reallyyyyy like to be able to increase it.

Here is a link to the rifle:




Notes: I usually use .25 grams.

Many thanks, all help is appreciated :)

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Put in a better quality barrel (Prometheus 6.03mm//PDI 6.05mm).

PTFE tape the bucking to the barrel.

Chrono it, if below site limit upgrade spring to one that puts it at your site limit.

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Buy the new bucking, but before you install it try flat hopping your old one, eraser nub, PTFE tape or dental floss to get a good air seal and a bag of decent 0.3g BBs. Make sure the barrel is clean and see if you get an improvement for the grand total of next to bugger all.

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