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DMR Options

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Nobody here doesn't like DMRs, we are realistic in what a DMR can offer. If you want more range, move closer. you clearly haven't got a clue, and nobody is going to wast their own time babysitting you through it.

If you want to learn how to make a good DMR there is plenty of info out there, you need to do your own homework and go away and learn.


We are telling you, categorically; you are misguided if you think a DMR will give you an extra 90ft range.

If you want better accuracy and better range learn to play better, a DMR will not do that for you.

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Mr Monkey Nuts, I have had the same range and accuracy (if not further and higher) using my PDW compared to my fully upgraded VSR, both putting out roughly 480fps and using the same 0.43g BBs, that range is considerably further than I get from the same PDW firing sub 350fps with the only change internally to the PDW being a stronger spring. To say the "DMR" role is not worth the effort really depends on the fps limits imposed. I don't bother with a DMR anymore at DOGTAG Airsoft as they have a stupidly low fps limit of 400. I do however use one at other sites I visit that have sensible limits. The OP apparently can have up to 500fps which will allow significant (in airsoft ranges) improvement.

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The the full one has a 510mm barrel, the carbine has a 350mm barrel



Yes, but only because the inner barrel extends into the suppressor. The receivers are basically the same though so you should have few issues mounting a stock tube and collapsible stock. You may find that your battery choice becomes a little more limited depending on your stock choice though.

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Right then, not everyone thinks that DMRs are a waste of money (or BASRs) just that there is a law of diminishing returns where you can very easily end up chasing an endlessly unattainable "bit more performance". For many people, there is a cost/benefit point that occurs fairly early on in that particular chase that makes it not worthwhile, but hey - it's your money!


Have a read through this: http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/43-longrange-aegs/892-holy-grail-building-your-dmr-aeg.html (I think I've posted this somewhere else today too but there you go) and you'll see that it's never as simple as whacking in a tight bore and achieving marksman nirvana. There's a lot more work that needs to go into achieving shot to shot consistency that most people don't even know about and hence the frustration sets in at not getting the desired result.


In terms of competitive advantage on the field, if you have the same MED and FPS limits as BASRs then you do have the advantage of a faster follow up shot when you miss with your first (or more likely they don't feel the hit). That does of course necessitate a secondary weapon to defend yourself at close range but that's a whole different ball game.


Personally, I like the idea of DMRs to which end I bought an M14 EBR Mod 1 but once I started using it I realised that with the right hop setup I could outrange most other assault rifles enough to keep me out of their range and I liked the ability to flick over to Auto for a quick burst of suppressive fire now and then so it's stayed at 350FPS. The biggest frustration still comes from the fact that you can spend a crapping fortune on a BASR or DMR setup and still get taken out by a total noob with a rental gun that's just been more tactical than you!


As I said before though, in terms of the actual gun, get the one you like the look of and go out and shoot with it for a while. You may find that the things that need sorting aren't the things you initially expected. For example. V2 gearboxes are notorious for locking up in semi if the gearbox doesn't cycle fully. Not being able to flick out to auto to clear it can be rather frustrating....

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The biggest frustration still comes from the fact that you can spend a crapping fortune on a BASR or DMR setup and still get taken out by a total noob with a rental gun that's just been more tactical than you!


Wouldn't call that frustrating. I'd call it good sport :P

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Whilst not directly comparable, I recently bought an A&K PKM. Absolutely stock.


Took it to RIFT Defilade to test it. 400-410 FPS, shots dipped with the HOP fully on at about 35-40m. I knew it would be 'hot' but the range left me utterly underwhelmed.


I went away, did some research and bought some Lonex parts: an air nozzle, a spring guide, a piston and had the spring downgraded to 320 FPS. I also bought a Guarder clear HOP rubber and the biggest upgrade; a CNC HOP chamber. All in, about £100.


Tested it once all fitted. Now firing 60M+ easily. Not the tightest of groups, but perfectly adequate for a support AEG.


My initial thoughts are, if you can , upgrade the HOP chamber and HOP rubber. Get a CNC one if you can. That could well gain you some extra range.

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