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HPA Tank Pouch

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Hi Guys,

I currently own a replica Crye JPC (a very small PC), and would like to come up with a more low-profile method of carrying my 68/45 HPA tank. In the past, I have run the tank in a replica EI MAP along with my hydration bladder.

The main problem is that the replica EI MAP itself is fairly large and when filled with both the HPA tank and my hydro it becomes really big and bulky. It feels like I have a huge shelf hanging off of my back.

One solution that I have tried to implement is to move to a lower profile hydro pack (CamelBak Armorbak) and mount my HPA tank in a utility pouch hung horizontally off of the bottom rear of the JPC. This solution is "ok," but it exposes the regulator/gauges/top of the tank to potential damage. I would prefer to have the entire tank and reg covered to insure that they aren't damage by stay bbs or by being banged into walls, floors, trees, etc.

Does anyone have any solutions for a low-profile way to carry both water and the HPA tank in a way that there isn't a huge mass hanging off the back of the PC?

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What does the bubble wrap do? Also he'd need a new ASA and two new tanks for a 13/3000 setup, likely a new dive cylinder lol.


That said, if you're running an electric solenoid you could always get a smaller tank, Vick. I run my 88/4500 in a WAS cargo thingy (basically an MAP) and I can sympathise because it's heavy. The real problem is even wit ha properly adjusted PC that's a lot of weight on the back that's going to be dragging it down. You may want to consider a plate in the front or just shift your pouches around to the front more. I've heard of people putting diving weights (not many, mind) in the front to balance it out a little, so that could be another solution.


One other thing I did that helped a bit was the cargo straps as it stopped dragging everything backwards as much, but that doesn't solve the bulk issue. You may be best just getting a smaller tank and running it sideways in a paintball tank pouch at the bottom of the rear of your plate carrier or that CamelBak you were describing. The 68ci is a tall tank though.


Either way, the 4500s are pretty fat and a 68ci is likely a bit too big to acceptably get somewhere where it'll be out of the way. Again, if you're using an electric solenoid based engine then a 68/4500 is probably more than you can conceivably use in a day so a 48ci tank might be a decent idea. Again, it's the expense though.


Frankly I might also try ditching the plate carrier altogether because that adds a great deal of bulk from the get-go. I know that's one of the primary reasons why I don't use one anymore with HPA - just too thick when added onto that 10cm+ diameter of the tank, whichever way you cut it.


What regulator are you using? I see a lot of people about with the SFR or Firebase in its default configuration. Just by some minor adjustments to the angle of the regulator interface with the ASA you can cut about 8cm+ off the overall length.

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Hi Proffink,


Thanks for the detailed response!


I am running a standard firebase reg, what MAP or backpack setup would you recommend, do you have a link with what you use?


Do you have any ideas of pouches without running a hydration bladder, I have seen various pouches from places like RAV4 and other paintball retailers but none of them look great in my opinion, I was also thinking about running something similar too this ... http://s298.photobucket.com/user/hello3241997/media/DSC_0209.jpg.html ... but i have no idea what size tank that is that fits in a H20 pouch like this!


I have seen some pouches that put the tank upside down which seems like a interesting idea due to the angle of the line, but I am not sure how I feel about the reg facing the floor.




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I have seen some pouches that put the tank upside down which seems like a interesting idea due to the angle of the line, but I am not sure how I feel about the reg facing the floor.




Sounds like a job for Bubblewrap!

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I used the rig you now have :) but with 13/3000 tank. I used to strap the tank first to a large radio pouch to my belt. Later to a gas bottle pouch I bought from Danger Zone. I always run a minimalist setup so I have everything on micro chest rigs and belt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tanks pouches, I used to have one like this. I changed to a hydration pouch so i could cover the gauges.



Hi you say you changed to a hydration pouch, which one did you get?


I was thinking I would rather use a hydration pack than a bottle pouch.

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Hi you say you changed to a hydration pouch, which one did you get?

I was thinking I would rather use a hydration pack than a bottle pouch.

I switched to a Viper 1.5l hydration pouch

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