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What mesh for eye pro?

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How do all :)


I recently got a mask of Amazon that failed to do its job in protecting eyes.

Luckily it wasn't on my face, I was testing it to see if it would.

I blew a hole right through them on the second shot with my Dan Wesson.

for the record, 2's at 246 fps, about two inches away.

The Wesson is unmodified, the gas has been sat in it for about a month.


After a lot of swearing Ive decided to replace the mesh with something that wont blow in when someone glares at me.

Any, and all advice welcome on what mesh I should be looking at.

Strengths, toughness, durability, stability


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This was posted on 09 April 2016 so is a good place to start. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30786-face-mesh-mask/?hl=mesh

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Thank you fella :)

I'll give it a read when I'm home :)

Thank you :)

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  • Root Admin
  On 18/04/2016 at 14:49, Jedi_Master said:

This was posted on 09 April 2016 so is a good place to start. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30786-face-mesh-mask/?hl=mesh

Lol, I like how the first post is you doing the searches for someone else that end in other threads where the question was answered. We should keep linking deeper and deeper - next person that asks gets a link to this thread.

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Aye. Why I tested it. Cheap ass metal must have been used.

My bolle glasses and my nuprol mesh took the punch.

The mask took it like tin foil.

The mask its self is strong. Took six shots, barely a mark to the paint.

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Aye, I'm pretty sure it is. Very annoying, and a bit scary tbh.

I've tested all my eye pro as I've got them. Was stunned when I shot through it.

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  On 19/04/2016 at 07:54, Aunty Pasty said:

Is it one of those cheap chinese knock-off mesh goggles you see around ebay and amazon? I never trusted those. Ended up getting the Nuprol mesh ones as well.


You know that Nuprol stuff is the chinese knock-off stuff just in a nicer box right? Nuprol don't have any manufacturing facility, they just buy the same wholesale crap as everyone else and brand it better.

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  On 20/04/2016 at 08:54, jcheeseright said:


You know that Nuprol stuff is the chinese knock-off stuff just in a nicer box right? Nuprol don't have any manufacturing facility, they just buy the same wholesale crap as everyone else and brand it better.

I'm sure they're manufactured in a chinese factory. I've examined the goggles and the mesh quality is better than the cheap stuff. Chinese factories will make stuff to the specified standards set by their customer. It's the knock-off or unbranded stuff you need to look out for.

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the googles in the pic are nuprol and they took the hit.

never had a problem with them.

bar their bb's

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There are 2 types of steel mesh. The most common type in cheap eyepro is thin metal sheet with lots of holes punched in it.



The other type is interwoven steel wire.


The punched metal sheet will vary in quality but is usually inferior to interwoven mesh. The interwoven mesh will spread the impact throughout the mesh better. The perforated steel simply concentrates the impact forces at the narrowest points and may break. Interwoven mesh also has less issues with condensation.

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Cheers fella :)

The woven kind have always been easier to see though.

Nothing compared to my glasses though :)

I have a woven fencing mask.

Was eyeing up woven mesh as a replacement

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