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New Skirmisher - North Essex


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Hi All,


After discussing the interest of airsoft over a pint with a buddy and playing a couple of games (not under the influence of course!) i've caught the bug.


Have got together the important stuff first decent boots, camo gear, eye wear and lower face mask which i end up modifying slightly to cushion the mesh on my hooter, and of course the gloves which of course is the first place i got shot in CQB.


On Track to get UKARA and already doing some research into guns, looking for my first gun but trying to find the right one for a beginner.


My favourite guns being the MP5, M14 and ACR. The MP5 being more likely from what i've read when it comes to quality and cost. Though i keep seeing alot of praise for the G&G M4's.


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G&G M4's are the Ford's of airsoft - but decent starter guns

also look at ak's 47 or 74's

G36's are one of the popular rental guns too

as well as mp5's


look at all guns/options - one thing is cost/availability/capacity of extra mags & spares etc.....

M14 hops & gears might not be so easy to get hold of as say M4 or AK bits

(before any m14 owners flame me - just pointing this out, yes I know you can get them but just not as easily as the ford spares)


most people go for M4, AK, G36 or MP5's - what style/length of barrel is up to you

somewhere in middle 250 to 350 (AK47's can go up to 455/469 which can be a bit long perhaps especially for cqb)

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I think I'm leaning more to the MP5's but I've not had a chance to actually use one yet.


The G36 is nice though the one I was using being a rental gun had obviously seen better days.


The AK I don't like as much due to the look of the gun and the mags can be a little fiddly with the lip on them but I'm sure it's something you'd get used to in time.


As for the M4's, well everyone's got them... but of course there's a reason for that so I keep coming back to them for the fact like you say they are the Ford's of airsoft there's a lot of choice and possibilities with one of them.


I'm looking to go no higher than £300 on a gun so hopefully something pretty solid and will hold up for a long time.

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Bug is one that's very very hard if not impossible to remove!


im about to get my first AEG, and believe me i have asked, researched, asked again and probably annoyed a few on here with questions....and still do :rolleyes:


but the place is full of experienced personnel who have been in the same boat so have invaluable advice


If you can try others out first, do so, if you can get to a shop, even better, i popped to Firesupport and my ideas of what i wanted were changed once i held a few other models and makes. :mellow:


If you have a set budget that can also help as it will limit your options away from the higher spec guns....


if you want to borrow my son for your shop trip you may end up buying a SAW or a Garand as your first!! haha


so does the £300 include the batteries, charger, extra mags and other bits etc or have you got a budget for that as well?

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AK's show up the western M4's tbh

v3 gearbox is easier to work on imho

higher capacity mags - even some starter cm 028's seem to kick my G&G's on range/accuracy


only thing I don't love is the fire select - just can't get on with it like M4's

plus it isn't as add on friendly as a M4 with rails all over the place

but that is just my personal take on it


G36 hire guns should not be taken as how yours might look

unless you loan her out like a cheap whore every weekend

but even battered n bruised they keep going - the gun not the woman btw


M4's well yeah but find they are easy to pick up use with spares n mags easily available in many kinds


MP5's - only got cheapo Galaxy MP5k's and not skirmished them so can't say really

but many love them especially in cyma & ics form

mp5's have lower capacity mags than 300/450/500 - even got a 1k AK mag for going nuts

(I do tend to spray n pray sometimes but still get my ar$e kicked)

I'm providing covering fire I yell

"you are the only bloke left on ya team ya dumb ar$e" they yell back

ahhh to hell with it I'm going down but taking some of ya with me then.....

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  On 29/09/2015 at 09:37, Okto Eight Milsim said:

Welcome to the forum.


Our parent group run skirmishes and milsim lite games at Tuddenham near Thetford and Norwich.


aaarh so your part of Tuddenham....planning a milsimy type trip there soon :)

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Tuddenham is run by Gunman Airsoft which has the same parent as us. Their milsims are often the light (lite) variety where you get some aspects of a full-on milsim but not others (e.g. simple loadout requirements and hi-caps but using medic rules etc). Okto and Gunman work complimentarily and cater for different needs in the community.


NB - Gunman have a small one day milsim game at Norwich this weekend. Might go up ourselves to have a look at the site for future Okto games !!


Our advice is to read the Gunman game description to make sure you are attending the type of game you want as they run lots of different types of games (usually one or two a week on their four sites).

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will do, they run Sundays which is ideal for me and only 30mins away

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Thanks for the welcomes,


I'm sure i'll probably annoy a few people with questions!


There is actually a really local shop to me (about 10 minute drive) that I've popped into where I'll more than likely be buying the gun from and get to test a couple out before forking out a lot of money. Just want to get an idea of what I'm looking for before walking in and saying "I want a gun"


Your son has taste. I like the Garand ever since the first the original Call of Duty games, That sound of the cartridge ejecting... Music. That's why I like the M14, it lacks the sound but it's the modern equivalent.


The £300 budget isn't set in stone (it was originally 200-250 when I started looking) but I would like it to include Batteries and Charger. Though I'm not against going higher for the right gun if it's worth it.



My buddy also rented a G36, his one had the left side fire selector missing from it, lucky it still had the right one there, just looked like you could do some damage if you snagged yourself on the exposed block.


I may well end up going M4 as they are versatile especially as I'll need something for woodland and CQB. This is all speculation though as until I've actually got to shoot a bunch and found which ones I really like I'm just talking out my backside.



Thetford is about an hours drive from me so I wouldn't be a regular there but would definitely like to try out as many sites as possible in the area.

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  On 29/09/2015 at 12:26, ALee91 said:


Thetford is about an hours drive from me so I wouldn't be a regular there but would definitely like to try out as many sites as possible in the area.


Tuddenham is here, i would't class it as Thetford as i think there is a site there called Combat paintball??.....or i could be getting my wires crossed!



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  On 29/09/2015 at 12:52, Okto Eight Milsim said:

Where do you normally play ?

Played at Billericay and will be doing one at AirsoftGB in Great Bromley this weekend.


  On 29/09/2015 at 13:22, djben9 said:


Tuddenham is here, i would't class it as Thetford as i think there is a site there called Combat paintball??.....or i could be getting my wires crossed!



That is exactly 1Hours drive from my house according to Google maps.

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Thetford way - depends on how approximate you are or how local. Its actually near Mildenhall airbase and is an old RAF bomber base itself.



  On 29/09/2015 at 13:22, djben9 said:

Tuddenham is here, i would't class it as Thetford as i think there is a site there called Combat paintball??.....or i could be getting my wires crossed!



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im planning that one in november if the wife says yes :)

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  On 29/09/2015 at 10:49, Okto Eight Milsim said:

Tuddenham is run by Gunman Airsoft which has the same parent as us. Their milsims are often the light (lite) variety where you get some aspects of a full-on milsim but not others (e.g. simple loadout requirements and hi-caps but using medic rules etc). Okto and Gunman work complimentarily and cater for different needs in the community.


NB - Gunman have a small one day milsim game at Norwich this weekend. Might go up ourselves to have a look at the site for future Okto games !!


Our advice is to read the Gunman game description to make sure you are attending the type of game you want as they run lots of different types of games (usually one or two a week on their four sites).


What are the requirements for some of these MilSim events, i've seen some youtube videos of it but looks like a lot of serious players and gear.


Do you have to have a certain style of BDU's and gear inkeeping with the look of the day/event? Because my do-rag style shemagh isn't army regulation, i will be replacing this with a cap eventually though, so i'll look lest like a terrorist in DPM

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email the guys here enquiries 'AT 'gunmanairsoft.co.uk


i was worried about that as well, but its not as serious as you think, they have a medic game and also ask you to bring some other items of cloths so you can swap teams but other than that sounds pretty much like fun!


This is a reply i got back when i asked a few questions....


Our open milsim weekends are designed as an introduction to milsim, rather than a full on one. As such, hire guns, two tone guns and hi-cap magazines are welcome, all we ask is that you try and role-play a bit (shouting "aaargh!" instead of hit etc and be a bit more tactical in the way you play, as well as trigger discipline (short controlled bursts or single shots rather than spray and pray). We also try if possible to use camo for team ID instead of tape or armbands. This does require that people are flexible in what they wear, although if it's a problem we do revert to tape.


So im in :)

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Thats milsim lite.


Okto and sometimes Gunman do more full on milsim where there are no two tone weapons, only mid/or low caps (no bb rattling) and different teams have different loadouts. Once you are in the battlezone, there are no breaks for 8 hours and you live in the battle, cooking, resting etc for that 8 hours.


Its great fun, we have a regular following and players join in without being anal or elitist. Its 100% boyhood escapism. Have a look at our Facebook page if you want to know more.

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  On 29/09/2015 at 14:38, djben9 said:

email the guys here enquiries 'AT 'gunmanairsoft.co.uk


i was worried about that as well, but its not as serious as you think, they have a medic game and also ask you to bring some other items of cloths so you can swap teams but other than that sounds pretty much like fun!


This is a reply i got back when i asked a few questions....


Our open milsim weekends are designed as an introduction to milsim, rather than a full on one. As such, hire guns, two tone guns and hi-cap magazines are welcome, all we ask is that you try and role-play a bit (shouting "aaargh!" instead of hit etc and be a bit more tactical in the way you play, as well as trigger discipline (short controlled bursts or single shots rather than spray and pray). We also try if possible to use camo for team ID instead of tape or armbands. This does require that people are flexible in what they wear, although if it's a problem we do revert to tape.


So im in :)

Sounds like a good starter, I'll do a few more skirmishes and get myself my own gun until i'm not going to be a liability or an embarrassment to whatever poor blokes get me shoved into their teams and sign up to one of these.



  On 29/09/2015 at 15:31, Okto Eight Milsim said:

Thats milsim lite.


Okto and sometimes Gunman do more full on milsim where there are no two tone weapons, only mid/or low caps (no bb rattling) and different teams have different loadouts. Once you are in the battlezone, there are no breaks for 8 hours and you live in the battle, cooking, resting etc for that 8 hours.


Its great fun, we have a regular following and players join in without being anal or elitist. Its 100% boyhood escapism. Have a look at our Facebook page if you want to know more.

I saw there were some events that go on over a couple days and they look like a hell of alot of fun but think that is a bit too advanced, I'm no better then a plinker at the moment.

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dont know if youre interested, ive got an ics g33 that i dont use anymore.

WOudl oyu be interested, im based in Colchester.


if youre close to Colchester you can just pick it up and not deal with the ukara bollocks

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  On 30/09/2015 at 15:05, Josh95 said:

dont know if youre interested, ive got an ics g33 that i dont use anymore.

WOudl oyu be interested, im based in Colchester.


if youre close to Colchester you can just pick it up and not deal with the ukara bollocks

Thanks for the offer mate but i'll pass, just waiting for registration to go through and going to the local shop to try a few out guns out.

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