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Can you launch a smoke grenade from a M203?

iBrowniee x

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Is it possible to launch smoke grenades from a M203 launcher I was thinking something like a G&P long one. Could you just put a M203 shell in the launcher, pull the pin and drop it down the barrel and shoot? And would it go far enough to be effective. The only reason I wanted to do this is becuase it would look pretty cool haha.



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Personally I think it's stupid and dangerous, no harm in using your arm to throw the thing.

I agree that it's stupid and dangerous, and that there's no harm throwing it, but firing it across a field is way more fun.


That said, I'd really hate to take a smoke grenade to the head if some numpty decided to use his 203 to lob one towards some people, even if I was wearing my lid


Just one more illustration of why we can't have nice things because of the threat of idiots causing harm.

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Doubt you'll find a site that'l let you do it due to insurance.


I'd say this is one those things that is dangerous regardless of idiocy, far too much potential for grenade to the face even if the person was trying to be very sensible. Someone could easily walk into the line of fire and take it to the face, or you could accidentally aim wrong and hit someone.


Even if was allowed I'd not want to risk it during a game, for the same reason i'd not want to catapult half a brick around. If you hit someone with it they could sue the pants off you


Would look cool though...

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Have a look at the TAG smoke rounds.


Airsoft World tell me they arent particularly good smoke-wise but I recall reading that the Russian manufacturer was looking to improve them.


We allow certain types of TAGs at our games.

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Doubt you'll find a site that'l let you do it due to insurance.


I'd say this is one those things that is dangerous regardless of idiocy, far too much potential for grenade to the face even if the person was trying to be very sensible. Someone could easily walk into the line of fire and take it to the face, or you could accidentally aim wrong and hit someone.


Even if was allowed I'd not want to risk it during a game, for the same reason i'd not want to catapult half a brick around. If you hit someone with it they could sue the pants off you


Would look cool though...

I thought about it hitting people but where I play it's mostly woodland so it wouldn't come from above and hit them in the head(I dought) and I only use smokes in open areas to move to cover so it wouldn't be too much of a danger
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Have a look at the TAG smoke rounds.

Airsoft World tell me they arent particularly good smoke-wise but I recall reading that the Russian manufacturer was looking to improve them.

We allow certain types of TAGs at our games.

I'll have a look
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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