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Anyone ever used Tactical Outfitters?


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As the title says really. I placed an order for some patches a month ago, they've had the money and not dispatched anything yet. Having checked the order one of the patches is on backorder but even so they've not responded to two separate email enquiries as to where my order is!


Just wondered if this is common thing or if it's a one-off?

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My other half ordered a patch from them around a month ago, got here in a week or so, so I'd hope it's a one off :)

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I finally got a response by pm'ing him on Facebook. They were waiting on stock for one of the three patches I ordered. They apparently have had their stock in but I've still not had the despatch notification he promised I should have had a week ago.


We shall see...

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I thought facebook would work. Wish it would work for the company that's taken my money for weeks and not replied to any comms since...


Good luck to you, I've never had issues like I say and the guy in charge has always seemed pretty good.

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To be honest it was all the cool patches you bought from him that made me shop there.



So it's your fault really.




Damn you.



You monster.

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Kinda off topic but its surprising how quick some social media inquiries get some companies replying.. A mate of mine was waiting for ages for a refund from the council, 4 months untold emails and a single tweet later, it was sorted.. He got an instant tweet back and a call asking him to tweet it was resolved as it was done right there on the phone..


Social media is powerful as many companies dont want the bad publicity!.


He tweeted the resolved issues, then a day later a long ass rant slagging them off :lol:

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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