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Lipo batteries in a Combat Machine

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usually lipo's tend to come in small tamiya, deans or XT connectors

it is the older bigger cell nimah's that tend to use large tamiya's

or stock guns with big fixed stocks


On large tamiya to small tamiya conversion - be careful some cheap adapters that go from large to small

can have the red/black ar$e about face coz from memory the "round" plug is different


small tamiya - round plug is red/positive & square is black/negative


large tamiya - round is black/negative & square is red/positive


some of the cheap pre-wired adapters out there have them incorrect - no biggy on the adapter you use pin and pop the wires out and swap over


but you are still using the small tamiya and that is what chokes the flow of juice - especially when you tweak them a bit

if you can solder - look up some guides on you tube - cut & solder each wire ONE AT A TIME, don't cut both at same time = short = BANG dead lipo


with that alone you should gain 1rps on stock - aprox 8%, and tiny better trigger response

don't sound like much on stock but big difference if you tweak it more later - honest

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