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G&G mp5 a4 shoots left


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Never sent for a service before whats a good company? But yea no visible ports atleast I learnt something today

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see if you can rotate that cylinder around and you MIGHT see a hole or port appear


I am NOT saying fix it - but it is one thing to check and rule out

if we can rule out the port and see the hole half way aprox

then it ain't that so MUST be a hop/barrel/nozzle related problem


most of this is common sense process of elimination

but trust me it so so very easy to steam in and f*ck with stuff that you don't need to

or often you can't see the wood for the trees


So very much can go wrong and the slightest thing sends the gun fire all over the place and very pi$$ poorly

heck I'm an expert to getting guns firing like that - very badly sometimes


diagnose or maybe investigate but perhaps like Lozart said take it to a pro to do the final fixing

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See the copper coloured part of the gearbox? That is the cylinder and the dark patch in the middle is the port.


Whoops, missed the subsequent posts.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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