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Tactical Warfare - Croydon


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Hi guys,


Not sure if in the right section but I was wondering if any of you lotnhave been to 'Tactical Warfare' in Croydon?


I'm too busy for Airsoft on Sunday but NEED/WANT to play this weekend and that's the only Saturday skirmish I can see in a travelling distance!



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Never heard of it. In north london so its not too far so am also interested in feedback...

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I have been there quite a lot. I find it a real pain to travel there, since they got rid of the pickup service from the tram station I have only been down there once, ended up walking and am not a fan as the journey is pretty bad. Taxis for the final stint are really hard to find.


The site itself is mostly woodland, quite a lot of pretty thick woodland. I really like TWA, its one of my favourite sites, I have had some great moments with 3 awesome guys crawling through the woods as a fireteam.


I don't really have any issues with the site, was happy with the safety, was happy with the site itself and some of the guys I play with there are amazing. There are bigger and better woodland games to be had IMO but its still a decent day out.

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I have been there quite a lot. I find it a real pain to travel there, since they got rid of the pickup service from the tram station I have only been down there once, ended up walking and am not a fan as the journey is pretty bad. Taxis for the final stint are really hard to find. The site itself is mostly woodland, quite a lot of pretty thick woodland. I really like TWA, its one of my favourite sites, I have had some great moments with 3 awesome guys crawling through the woods as a fireteam. I don't really have any issues with the site, was happy with the safety, was happy with the site itself and some of the guys I play with there are amazing. There are bigger and better woodland games to be had IMO but its still a decent day out.

I'd be driving down anywho, so that's not a problem!


What sort of game types do they do? Do they last a long time?

Any idea what the average number of people turn up?

Finally, roughly how big is the site? (Saw you had Billericay on your list, comparison to that?)


Thanks for replying!

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I'd be driving down anywho, so that's not a problem!


What sort of game types do they do? Do they last a long time?

Any idea what the average number of people turn up?

Finally, roughly how big is the site? (Saw you had Billericay on your list, comparison to that?)


Thanks for replying!


They usually start with a Village domination (capture the point in the middle and hold for 30 minutes) and which lasts up to about an hour. They tend to go out to the game only a few times a day and its much like billericay, they do some defend and fall back style scenarios and then some longer game modes where you have to find a thing and take it to the place that is longer. Games run anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours or so and you don't go back to the safe zone very often unless you need to reload.


In the summer it was about 40 people. No idea what its like in winter but its enough for the site size. Billericay is pretty big at 120 acres, IIRC its 20 acres, so quite a bit smaller than billericay. But don't let that fool you, this site is tough going because its a lot more brush covered woodland with quite a lot of fallen trees and such. There is a lot of cover here and a lot of places to hide. At its narrowest its just 20m wide or so and its sort of a triangle shaped wood between fields but at the widest point however its much larger and they have some quite interesting areas like the jungle and the base in the woods.

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They usually start with a Village domination (capture the point in the middle and hold for 30 minutes) and which lasts up to about an hour. They tend to go out to the game only a few times a day and its much like billericay, they do some defend and fall back style scenarios and then some longer game modes where you have to find a thing and take it to the place that is longer. Games run anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours or so and you don't go back to the safe zone very often unless you need to reload.


In the summer it was about 40 people. No idea what its like in winter but its enough for the site size. Billericay is pretty big at 120 acres, IIRC its 20 acres, so quite a bit smaller than billericay. But don't let that fool you, this site is tough going because its a lot more brush covered woodland with quite a lot of fallen trees and such. There is a lot of cover here and a lot of places to hide. At its narrowest its just 20m wide or so and its sort of a triangle shaped wood between fields but at the widest point however its much larger and they have some quite interesting areas like the jungle and the base in the woods.


Thank you another reply bro.. Definitely hitting this up on Saturday!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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