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Cheap Gear From Russia?

Zak Da Mack

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Hi guys, as some of you may know, Russia's ruble has hit an all time low, where £1 = 95 rub. So I've been looking on Russian websites to see if I can get anything out of this and I can pick up Partizan camo for £20 on www.profarmy.ru and even with postage, customs etc, it would be cheaper than the usual 100-and-something on non-Russian websites.


So, is it worth it? And is this website trusted? Or is there anything I'm missing?

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The trouble is that when you order from profarmy.ru they send you an invoice including shipping by email and it's payable to their PayPal account in USD.


I have spoken to a few people who have bought from them so I went for it - waiting for a Bars uniform, similar to a Partizan (SS Leto camouflage) and a pair of Harpy boots - $83 and $73 including shipping respectively. So pretty good prices anyway.


They do take a few days to sort you out via email though.

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No, you need to use Google Translate.


If you order, on the order form "Index" means post code and in the box where it asks for your shipping option, just write "shipping to UK". They will email you.


The real bugger about using their webby is not the Russian, it's the lack of a search box... V^^VGrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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Can you get the page in English? My russian is a little rusty :D

you can copy the link into Google translate and it converts the page into English for you


The trouble is that when you order from profarmy.ru they send you an invoice including shipping by email and it's payable to their PayPal account in USD.


I have spoken to a few people who have bought from them so I went for it - waiting for a Bars uniform, similar to a Partizan (SS Leto camouflage) and a pair of Harpy boots - $83 and $73 including shipping respectively. So pretty good prices anyway.


They do take a few days to sort you out via email though.

How long have you been waiting for Ian? I suppose its still worth a shot at those prices. Just got to work out my size. I'll have to restrain myself from buying too much though.

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Paid for the Bars uniform on the 26th Nov and the boots on 12th Dec.

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I'm not expecting either package until the new year, but I have no firm data to base that on, just experience of ordering stuff from Russia before. Much of the gear that Profarmy sell is Russian military gear and while the stereotype here in the west is that it is crap, in my experience it is at least as good if not better than western counterparts.


Manufacturers I can personally vouch for are Splav, SSO & SPOSN, but for things like smersh rigs for eg there have been changes in the fabrics used and some older types are reputed to be better than newer, although I suspect some of that is snobbery among collectors, because my RPK Smersh pouches are new and made from good quality cordura-esque nylon (approx 600 dernier) and well stitched.

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I've heard Russian made boots are supposed to be poor quality. But if it's genuine russian issue it can't be any worse the knock off stuff from china. The postage time puts me off a wee bit but making a decent saving is important. I'm trying to acquire things on the cheap so my gf doesn't find out how much the hobby costs :D she got me a limited edition G&G GC16 for Xmas and thinks that's all I need :D so I'm looking for bargains.

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Ok, I've sent off for an order. I can't believe I'm going forward with this but it would be stupid not to.


Do they sell Smersh rigs on profarmy? I don't know if I'm looking in the right spots and the lack of a search bar annoys me :angry:

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This is the right place to look for vests/rigs. I can't find smersh, but some of the stuff doesn't have pics and who knows what google translate makes of whatever they may call the individual parts of a smersh rig. I do know that "shops & stores" are magazines and "cases" are pouches.


Best bet is to email them: [email protected] and the woman you want is called Anastasia.

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I guess I could always order a smersh rig from soviet propaganda, but that may have to wait until I get my SVD sorted.


Will I get an email asking me to pay the fee, as I've only got an email which is called "notice of order"


On another note, what was that MILSIM at Sennybridge? Are they doing another one,I really want to go to one of them now that the dosh is rolling in :D

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IIRC soviet-propaganda are pretty expensive - are you a member of Russian Military Loadouts UK on fb? That's the place to get advice on who has what at the best prices. For eg someone put a link up on there to someone selling AK smersh rigs for €79, but there's shipping on top of course. Actually i have fucking remembered whom it is - woothefuckhoo! Here - he's well connected amongst the Rus-softing community so you can trust him.

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Is the quality any good?


Most Russian ex-army stuff is pretty good in my experience, in fact, I've got one of the heavily lined winter camo coats with a fur collar, which is lined with some kind of blanket-like material, and it is the warmest thing I've ever worn in my life. You can go out in sub zero temperatures wearing that thing, and you'll be sweating it's that warm. Paid sixty quid for it about 25 years ago, and it's probably the best sixty quid I've ever spent, still looks like new, which gives you some idea of how decent it is quality-wise. I don't wear it for airsoft, I wear it as my normal winter coat. Toasty warm :)

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Yh, I've been a member on there for a while and that's what inspired me. The pictures on there are great.

I've seen him (Sergey, is it?) selling stuff before, but never really looked into it.

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Yeah Sergey. He's mates with Ian "Taz" Stokes.


Is that a Butan coat, Chock? If it's the one i'm thinking of they also made a liner for them - Russian winter yes / anytime in UK lol

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Yeah it is basically a Butan coat, but it's in the older TTSKO (three colour) camouflage that the VDV and the Navy used and which I think Ukraine does still use. It does have the liner with it and I think it can be fastened to the similarly constructed trousers to make it into basically a double layered outfit. I found a picture of it online anyway (see below). Great coat which is very warm indeed, but it is pretty heavy and your arm movement is a bit restricted because it is so thickly layered when the liner is in. it'd be useless for airsoft, you'd never feel a 600fps hit in it at all because it is so thick:



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"Good afternoon!
Well, yours a zakza so far on assembly.
As it will be ready, I will write the sum for payment taking into account delivery."


What's zakza?

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"Good afternoon!

Well, yours a zakza so far on assembly.

As it will be ready, I will write the sum for payment taking into account delivery."


What's zakza?


Zakza is probably a butchering of 'zakaz' (заказ) which means order.


So basically,your order is being prepared and when it's ready you'll get full price including shipping.

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Nah, Chinglish usually combines good comedy value with still being vaguely understandable, whereas anything where you go into non-Roman fonts starts making translation a bit tricky. Still, good news it appears, looks like they are 'Russian your order through' :lol:

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'Russian your order through' :lol:

I.. I Don't even........ Ughh :P


Chinglish flies ma blain :D


Chinglish is great until you try to understand something and subsequently fall into a useless heap, crying yourself to sleep because you need to know what is said but just can't understand...

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