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1st Gun queries


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So thinking a TR15 XL for my 1st gun. Question I have is with the Blowback and gas. I read on G&G's catalog it uses gas for the blowback so where does that come from. Don't think it's the mag because that's a high cap. I'm probably confused somewhere because I found the catalog link and got all excitable after that. Anyway UKARA stamp 3 comes just after xmas and the paintball sale is going alright so far so shopping.

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The G&G guns have something called Pneumatic blow back, its rather cool because it doesn't require any extra power from the battery like some other electric blowback guns.

Basically AEG's shoot BB's by pushing them out the barrel with air, how the Pneumatic blow back works is a small ammount of that air is used to move a fake bolt back, it then compresses a little spring that pushes the bolt back to the original state, simulating a firing mechanism of a real firearm.


To be honest its not the greatest blow-back system, unlike gas blow back guns its not as much of a jolt but it makes a nice sound.

its nice however because it requires no additional energy and no mechanical parts other than a spring, so its more reliable. I think also most G&G guns allow you to turn it off if you want.

In summary no you don't require any kind of gas for a Pneumatic blow back gun, it just uses the air produced when firing.




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As above, theres a small hole in the top of the cylinder that feeds a small amount of air into a piston that moves the bolt cover when you fire. In reality its little more than a gimmick - a bit of extra noise when you fire.

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There is still a question over the reliability of the MOSFETs in G&G guns. For that and the wiring you are paying top dosh for something which you could probably fit yourself cheaper and end up with a more reliable end result. But if you like the whole package, go for it - if the MOSFET does blow it'll be under warranty and rather than have Z1 replace it with another G&G, you could pay £20-30 for a better MOSFET and have them fit that instead, preserving your warranty...


Or take pre-emptive action and buy a Pico SSR2 now while they are on sale from fire-support.com for £13.50 posted (ask Z1 for their address to post it to and to fit it for you - they shouldn't charge more than £20 and if you offer to let them keep the G&G one, they may do it for free / otherwise make sure they include it in the package because you should be able to get £5-10 for it in our Classifieds or on fleabay.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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