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Idea exchange on CQB!


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On this topic you can swap ideas regarding "The most effective way to handle a CQB environment".


Feel free to add layouts of rooms for others to ponder over how they would do it.


Personally, the way I have been trained to do is with the L85A2's (real steel version) butt in my sternum but I quickly found out in the "kill house" that that wasn't the best idea lol. others in my company would have the but resting just above their collarbones and switch sides depending on what side the door was. I can imagine that this could waist those essential few seconds when your stacked up that you could be using to think ahead of your actions to follow.


So i am a bit torn to these two ideas, maybe i could get some input to what you lot think is the best way to do so.


where most of you probably don't have L85 variants there are probably ways that will work on certain guns but not so much on others.


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I use an L85 and I find it the most pig-arsed weapon to manoeuvre in confined spaces ever, and I've been using one for around 3 years now. I think not being able to use it left handed is a death sentence as well.

I tend to use my sidearm for left side corners, and when it comes to clearing rooms? Grenades. Lots of grenades. Otherwise it's impossible to do it without losing a man, unless you can get an angle on the door way or approach it from two entrance points simultaneously.

I've often wondered how the military teach room clearance, because I just can't see how it's possible to get your men through a narrow space without the first guy being massacred. Grenades, distractions, disorientation, or attacking from multiple angles can all be used, but even so, if I saw a grenade come in, I'd head out with my finger held down on the trigger.

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In the military it's simple. Throw a grenade or two in, and then go in quickly. Repeat for the next room. Otherwise as you said, the first guy gets hit.


The police must handle hostage situations, so they use flashbangs, but they are usually against inexperienced criminals, so that helps too to survive.

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TBH I think that real steel CQB and airsoft are almost 2 different beasts - in airsoft, as you say Ed, if you know you're about to take the walk of shame because a bang has come in through the door, you run out shooting, but in the real world, 1) you're shitting your pants, 2) the 1st and most predominant idea in your head, that only intensive training and probably practice can overcome, is that you don't want to get hurt - regardless of whether you may know intellectually that you are about to die, the life long instinct to try to avoid pain cannot just be ignored...


But yeah, when Wallace and Coldy were running those training sessions, it was Wallace's opinion that without a grenade, the 1st man through the door is a casualty.

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I'm a big fan of "pie slicing" - aiming through the door and covering the angles you can see as you inch forward. If you do it in pairs, with 1 of you close to the door, with a pistol, as security against a sudden rush out, then the other further back with an AEG, sweeping the angles they can see through the door as they advance a few inches at a time, you can be sure where the opposition you cannot see are inside the room, so then when you do go in, you know where to spray with full auto.

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I tend to find that the best results are achieved by not stopping to think in CQB. Whatever you are going to do, do it fast and with a sense of purpose. Don't hang around the doorway until the people inside know you are getting ready to go though it. Get the hell through that doorway and start shooting people before they can get prepared.

With practice you will learn where people are likely to be. People who go to a CQB site frequently tend to just learn how to do this and will instinctively stride into the room moving fast and putting bursts into corners.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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