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The team flex help thread!


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yeah what I meant was the weight of the bbs stopping the midcap from pushing them up. bingo works airsoft did a comparison with .20 and i think .30 and the .3 didn't come out nearly as fast. Also heard misfeeding to be a big problem with high rof but it wouldn't for me because I would be using burst a lot.

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never heard of a midcap not being able to push the BBs up before, if you suffer it let me know and with what mag brand :-)


I bought some "action" M4 midcaps and they just would not feed in my M4. Mind you they were only about £6 each so I guess you do get what you pay for.

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wow. Ty TF. That is a bit of a surprise!

I run 0.25s and not had an issue before ever. Guess it is def worth considering for mag choice. I run midcaps on my RM4 sometimes with the 0.25s, I use Magpul PTS midcaps and never had any feed issues, other mags will use different quality springs tho,


If you use good quality mags you'll probably be ok, you can stretch the springs a little but I'd not stretch them too much for fear of causing other feed issues as the spring will twist as it is stretched sometimes.

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You could also look into changing the existing springs for the ones from PTW mags. they're a bit stiffer than most and can be had from RSOV for not a lot of money.

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Ive been using springs from RSOV for my sten/mp40 mags. Works well!

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My sten mid caps with stock spring would have sprayed .25 bb's far enough to hit the camera. I think the mag he was using in that video is just a useless mag.

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ok, now I feel lazy :P. I thought it stood for something XD thanks


Probably does but that's what we're talking about ;)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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