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You mean Hobbyking?
I wouldn't think they would be UKARA registered.
You can't even get a WE Gen 4 Glock that cheap in Europe so it's suspiciously / unbelievably cheap for that price (for a UK retailer)


EDIT: Oh, they're HK based.

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HOBBYKING good for batteries and even better now they've got a UK and European warehouse...didn't know they sold AEG's though...

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I always thought it was a UK company, my bad. I've never looked a lot on their website, hence why I didn't realise.

Just had a look and a King Arms Sig 556 is £320-£390.


I'd guess roughly $60 shipping from HK (so $315)

20% tax = $63

5% duty = $15.75

Total = around $400 (£235)

320 - 235 = 85


So you'd still save about £85-£150...

So annoying airsoft has to be so expensive in Europe though (compared to the US and Asia) :(

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I had an issue with Hobby King - bought a couple of LIPOs for one of my guns based on their published dimensions. Turns out in reality the batteries were larger than they said (and as a result too large to fit in the gun). As far as they were concerned they could only take them back as unwanted (I would have to pay postage (and find some one to deliver LIPOs) and that LIPO sizing varied and I should have been aware of that ....

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I've worked on their new expanded warehouse in the UK and asked the owner (who is Australian and lives there but flies around the world) if I could get a Glock from them and he said they wouldn't deal in airsoft in the UK as it is too complicated with UKARA etc. He is a registered firearms dealer in Oz and used to shoot for the national team and said that it was easier to get hold of them than airsoft.

Nothing stopping you from ordering straight from HK, would be interested to hear how you get on.

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I wouldn't bother. Aren't you going to have to pay shipping, tax and import duty + courier / delivery company charge? The delivery company charge is at least £7-£14 itself.

So you're probably going to have to pay over £100 which is how much a WE Glock costs over here anyway! http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/pistols-c42/we-glock-g18c-gen-4-gas-blow-back-black-p2386


Buy it from here:




No extra charges because they are actually a Polish company! Just make sure you have your UKARA number on the box like you would need to do if ordering from HK.

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Cant rate Taiwangun high enough.


Ive bought around 5 RIFs in the last 6 months from them.


I have one arriving on Monday \o/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ya know the temptation is there but knowing my luck mine would end up being stopped by every government agency who would add various charges until it would be more expensive than it was worth.


Glad you got a good deal matey

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That's what I was thinking but got lucky 😰. I will be ordering again for my mate.so I'll see how it goes. It's only because are not licensed yet. Gen 4 g18 £107.00 UK targetzone.Co.UK if you a licence.

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That's what I was thinking but got lucky . I will be ordering again for my mate.so I'll see how it goes. It's only because are not licensed yet. Gen 4 g18 £107.00 UK targetzone.Co.UK if you a licence.


What is this licence you speak of? Sounds like your openly admitting to breaking the law :ph34r:

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No laws are broken it's not a legal requirement to own a airsoft weapons. Just to buy a rep weapon I think

That doesnt make sense?


A person is guilty of an offence if—


(a)he manufactures a realistic imitation firearm;


(b)he modifies an imitation firearm so that it becomes a realistic imitation firearm;


©he sells a realistic imitation firearm; or


(d)he brings a realistic imitation firearm into Great Britain or causes one to be brought into Great Britain.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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