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Need help on choosing a FN Scar!

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I am new to airsoft and read through serveral post about all the scars available on market.


I am now stuck within a few brand, VFC, G&G, Ares or the GBB WE one.


Most people said VFC has the best scar right now, with official licensing and good exterior, but how about the ares one? How does it compare to the vfc and g&g because i am really interested in the version featuring the grenade launcher.



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You've missed the TM, if you can afford it, then it's most certainly the best option. After that it's VFC/G&G bit of a tie, VFC has better externals, G&G has better internals. Then it's the Classic army, dont bother with an Ares gun, it'll just be a headache.

The WE one is very good but a completely different category to the above.

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So Ares is the worst one among all scar? Lets say if i have a big budget and would like to get the best one straight away, which one should i go for.


performance wise, will the WE GBB one out perform all AEG Scar in terms of fps and power?

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Well you may get a good ares, you may get a bad one- its 50/50 and not really worth the risk with so many other good options available.

If you want the best get the TM, a lot of fun with the recoil too.

The WE shoots very well on part with the G&G i'd say, but it's gas and limits you to heavy 30 round only mags which is potentially a downside.

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So exterior wise VFC is the best, what about the fps and power? which one is the best among all?


Moreover is the ares grenade launcher compatible with all scars?

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FPS and power doesn't mean anything you want the best range and accuracy which is the TM, despite being less powerful than the others. If you must know though the VFC is likely to have the highest output- though with more and more UK spec guns being made it's could equally be the G&G.

Highest power doesn't mean best gun.


VFC do an EGLM launcher too that will fit- I have a feeling they can fit the TMs as well as the VFCs. I believe the ARES is only compatible with the aresbut you'd have to check to be sure about what fits what.

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I have tried firing nearly all the scar brands avaliable out there right now from low end models right up to the best model which by far is the Tokyo Marui.

I liked the look of the scar (as well as the history/thought process behind it). The scar is my first and only gun so I wasn't keen on going down the gas route as it's a bit more maintenance. Plus 30 round mags (for a noob) are pretty much useless unless you are going to carry 15 mags (extreme expense).

I went with the TM model for the recoil, reliability and Range (THE THREE 'Rs lol). Some of the others avaliable may give you one or two Rs but only the TM gives you all three

Other bit of advice I can give you is the ARES EGLM will not fit the TM model but the VFC goes straight on with no drama! The EGLM looks a lot nicer than a standard m203 type launcher as the lines are more natural so it doesn't appear bolted on so much.

Finally if you do buy any sort of scar... Buy the HEAVY variant. In the real steel version this shoots a bigger round then the standard LIGHT version. The magazines are a lot wider. Obviously this makes absolutely no difference in the airsoft world but it does look a lot lot cooler!!!

This is my own TM scar H. I have a bit more on mine than standard but the EGLM is on there so you can have an idea



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Also like yourself, as a noob I was concerned a lot with the power of the gun! You can also ignore that to a point as range is more important than power. I won't bore you with the science but even with much lower power some guns can fire a lot lot further than higher powered guns! In an airsoft scenario it means when you come up against an apponent you don't want to be in a position where his bbs can hit you but your bbs do not even reach him! It is extremely frustrating!

With a TM scar this won't happen to you very often if ever(especially if your apponent has not modified they're gun to within an inch of its life lol).

Hope this helps

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Why would u recommend the Heavy version over the light one? the difference i know is only the compatibility of the magazine. apart from this does it make any difference in range or performance?

I have tried firing nearly all the scar brands avaliable out there right now from low end models right up to the best model which by far is the Tokyo Marui.
I liked the look of the scar (as well as the history/thought process behind it). The scar is my first and only gun so I wasn't keen on going down the gas route as it's a bit more maintenance. Plus 30 round mags (for a noob) are pretty much useless unless you are going to carry 15 mags (extreme expense).
I went with the TM model for the recoil, reliability and Range (THE THREE 'Rs lol). Some of the others avaliable may give you one or two Rs but only the TM gives you all three
Other bit of advice I can give you is the ARES EGLM will not fit the TM model but the VFC goes straight on with no drama! The EGLM looks a lot nicer than a standard m203 type launcher as the lines are more natural so it doesn't appear bolted on so much.
Finally if you do buy any sort of scar... Buy the HEAVY variant. In the real steel version this shoots a bigger round then the standard LIGHT version. The magazines are a lot wider. Obviously this makes absolutely no difference in the airsoft world but it does look a lot lot cooler!!!
This is my own TM scar H. I have a bit more on mine than standard but the EGLM is on there so you can have an idea

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The TM is definitely reputed to be the no.1 SCAR?


Are all the parts that are metal in the real steel version, also metal on the TM.?


I chose the cheaper G&G because it wasn't my primary rifle and I couldn't substantiate the cost difference.


The SCAR design is one of those rifles that you love or hate but I really like them and they make a change from the ubiquitous M4.

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I have the G&G SCAR-L CQC (which actually comes with a convertible barrel extension so you can have it with both the CBQ length and standard mid-length (makes no difference to performance, just looks). It had to be downgraded from 400+fps and is currently running at 335fps so there's no issue with power! It's got plenty of range too (as with all things you need to get the hop set right).


Granted you don't get the fancy stop on empty function or the recoil of the TM, nor do you get the out and out external detail of the VFC but it really depends where your priorities lie. I wanted a reliable gun within a sensible budget that would shoot straight and hit things further than I could throw a handful of BBs (unlike my ageing M4) and it does all of that just fine.


The SCAR-H does look cool, personally I wanted a gun that could also use all the magazines I already had. Equally the TM stop on empty function ONLY works with their (quite low capacity) mid caps which are NOT cheap!


Just something to be aware of if it makes any difference to you, that grenade launcher makes the gun VERY front heavy!



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Which launcher fits the g&g scar?

I have the G&G SCAR-L CQC (which actually comes with a convertible barrel extension so you can have it with both the CBQ length and standard mid-length (makes no difference to performance, just looks). It had to be downgraded from 400+fps and is currently running at 335fps so there's no issue with power! It's got plenty of range too (as with all things you need to get the hop set right).


Granted you don't get the fancy stop on empty function or the recoil of the TM, nor do you get the out and out external detail of the VFC but it really depends where your priorities lie. I wanted a reliable gun within a sensible budget that would shoot straight and hit things further than I could throw a handful of BBs (unlike my ageing M4) and it does all of that just fine.


The SCAR-H does look cool, personally I wanted a gun that could also use all the magazines I already had. Equally the TM stop on empty function ONLY works with their (quite low capacity) mid caps which are NOT cheap!


Just something to be aware of if it makes any difference to you, that grenade launcher makes the gun VERY front heavy!



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Which launcher fits the g&g scar?


That's a D-boys one, comes with both H and L magwell fittings. Works fine.

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Why do u need to downgrade it from 400 fps to 335?


As M_P said, site limits. My local site is CQB and they have a 340fps limit.

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Cool, I think I will get the vfc scar, I really approximate the external details and the internals can always be tuned. Just really confused on getting h or l

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Cool, I think I will get the vfc scar, I really approximate the external details and the internals can always be tuned. Just really confused on getting h or l

For the sake of simplicity, I'd say go for the L- takes the same mags as your ICS m4 so easier than buying more new mags

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I looked at the VFC and it was only money really that stopped me.

One thing I did find was that the stock cannot be clipped to the side when it is folded as it can on the cheaper G&G effort.

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Really difficult to decide between VFC and TM.


VFC does look more powerful but TM is more reliable, has anyone tuned um their TM scar and what parts did u guys put on?

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