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Ares (Umarex) UMP 45 AEG Opinions please

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Guys, would appreciate your views on this. I've heard that the G&G version is top notch but the Ares is a fully licensed H&K version (I like my guns as realistic as possible) and looks the part but haven't found much feedback on it and I want to be sure its decent before I splash the cash. Cheers

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Honestly forget the trades etc, I whole heartedly regret selling my G&G UMP, they are truly epic and far far better than the Ares, without doubt the G&G is the best ump out there

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I have the g&g and love it to bits, got a upgraded motor too so the rate of fire is better.


It's a great gun only thing about it is the long mags, they fit nicely in p90 mag pouches with a old sock at the bottom to push the mags up so they are easier to get out :)

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I have the g&g and love it to bits, got a upgraded motor too so the rate of fire is better.


It's a great gun only thing about it is the long mags, they fit nicely in p90 mag pouches with a old sock at the bottom to push the mags up so they are easier to get out :)

***Must resist Jokes about padding with old socks to make things stick out further***

Would have expected MP5 pouches to work.
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***Must resist Jokes about padding with old socks to make things stick out further***

Would have expected MP5 pouches to work.



The velcro lid kind of MP5 mag pouch would definitely fit them

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Mine have velcro lids- the lid can come all the way down to the loop velcro on the front of each pouch when filled with an MP5 size magazine, meaning there can be a lot more space if you only pull the lid down to half the loop velcro etc.

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Mine have velcro lids- the lid can come all the way down to the loop velcro on the front of each pouch when filled with an MP5 size magazine, meaning there can be a lot more space if you only pull the lid down to half the loop velcro etc.

Doesn't mean they'll fit though....

P90 mags wont even nearly fit, they're much longer than mp5 mags and atleast double the width. They're about as wide as a stanag and about twice as long.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have the umarex ump 45 aeg it pretty gd theres only a couple of thing i dont like about it, 1. you carnt add a silencer to it! and 2. the fake coking handle. other than that its a gd gun. i love the hop up it really precise and the gear box is pretty nice too :)

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if I have misread this discussion, but are you guys comparing the G&G version to the latest Ares / Umarex Elite UMP.45, or are you comparing to the old, cheaper competition model?

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