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Advice on the G&P M4 Special Operations.

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I was just checking if it is worth the price as I don't want to rake out that much money when I can get the same back for a lot cheaper. Obviously looks wise it's all there in my opinion so just wondering if there has been any bad reviews etc?

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G&P are fantastic! I have had 2 G&P M4s.


Externals are hard to beat and the only internal thing i changed was the Hop rubbers.


Landwarrior and Zero 1 sell the spec ops but both are out of stock.

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I have the M4 spec ops and it's a cracking gun! Haven't made any changes to it whatsoever and it performs superbly in all conditions. Shop around as I know Wolf Armouries and Fire support have these and doing them for around the £350 mark.

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