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Inerts + Magazines???

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Anyone know where i can get a stanag (m4 / m16 / HK416 / SA80) magazine, and some inert 5.56?


Had a little look but can only find sites for inert rounds, no magazines :(


Also a G36 mag would be nice but guessing they'll be in-existent in the UK.

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You have a REAL Emag Craig?


I think you might've misunderstood what he's asking for...


I know that there's an army surplus in Sheffield that have random stuff like AK and M4 magazines on display, there's even an L1A1 SLR deac on the wall. They're not a listed sale item, but they're the kinda thing I imagine you could barter for.


Might be the same in other army surplus shops? Just a thought.

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Yeah maybe. Might have to google for one in cov though :/


Yeah looking for real steel ones, as kind of a a collection thing to go with the WE 416 im getting.

Would also want a RS g36 mag but i very much doubt many collectors would have them in the UK.

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Any gun shop or gun website will be able to sell you a real EMAG. I've a couple I use with inert rounds for photos.

In fact. JD airsoft sell them I think too. Failing that lantac do. I'm trying to remember the company I got my rounds from as they were cheap and very good. Soon as I find it i'll let you know

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Would prefer a normal mag than a EMAG.


I dislike magpul :P

Although if one is available...

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Ooo Thanks :)


Did find some on a site but they were scratched up to sh*t and covered in tape... for £20!!!

New for £16... yes please :D


Now i just need to be convinced i dont need to spend £120 on a VLTOR stock :/

Swear this gun will be £800 by the time i've finished :/ Same as 3 months rent for me XD

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IMHO, you don't. VLTOR stocks really don't do anything special to justify their price. The polymer isn't as tough as magpuls' and they lack the friction lock, the ACS (or STR) is a much better stock for less money.


Obviously if you want to spend more cash for a lesser product because of aesthetic preferences that's entirely your choice, it doesn't add up in my mind though.

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STR gets my vote. In fact; I've just bought a new CTR cause I forgot about the STR's. dammit!!!


Anyone wanna buy a brand new, never used PTS CTR stock £50?

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