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US Filmmakers into Airsoft

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I mentioned these guys in another post but if you are into video games, or filmaking, or airsoft you should check out CorridorDigital on YouTube. They make some really high quality witty films and also share a love for airsoft.


Here's a first vid for all you first person shooter fans to get you started.



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What game is the gasmask guy from? It looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

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What game is the gasmask guy from? It looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it.


Yeah I couldn't work that out either, I want to guess Killzone but I don't think that's right.

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Nah it's not Killzone.


I feel like that massive energy weapon thing attached to it ought to make it super obvious, but it isn't doing lol.

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Half life 2, the Combine,


awesome game, i was playing it last night

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Ah ha! Now i haven't played half life 2 so I feel i was at a disadvantage. :)


:o missing out :P


Spent the whole day getting new airsoft members for our society dressed as a black mesa security guard from HL1 XD

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