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The Airsoft Arms Fair held at The Grange have just announced on their Facebook page that Just BB Guns will be hosting a stall at the October 2012 Arms Fair.


On a slightly better note, this has brought nothing but irate responses from people. Though I doubt they'll force a retailer to pull out of the fair once they've been accepted into it. Unfortunately.


I wonder how they'll fit in...


Might actually be worth going after all.

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Has something gone on I don't know about? What have they done apart from not having very good guns for sale?

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telling people their Professional Airsoft rifle's....


1. Their is no Championship SO CAN WE STOP CALLING THEM PRO Airsoft RIFLE'S

2. Poor Customer Service Constantly (Before they did all their new stuff)

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Fair enough. They do seem a little low rate. Read their article in A.I mag?

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Nah, I keep meaning to subscribe to AI and AA but I've just not got around to it yet. I think the magazines are really worth getting, they're a great learning tool


But anyway, the fact that all the comments and "reviews" on the website are obviously posted by 10 year olds is enough to give me reason to think he's a pretty shoddy, and not to mention dodgy, dealer of "airsoft" weapons.


The feedback for them on these forums also speaks for itself. Customer service? Lol no. What's that?

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It's still there for me, it says:


"We would like to Welcome Just BB who are exhibiting with us for the first time




It was posted 15 hours ago from now and is currently the third post down on the right, discounting "friends who like this", "recent posts from others" and their likes.

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