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Building an R.I.F?

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Hi again guys i was just wondering i know its illegal for me to purchase a rif without a valid defence but where does the law stand on me purchasing parts i.e barrel receiver ris etc, to build myself one over the next few months while i get my defence sorted?


i wont complete the build until i have my defence in place however i know if i do it this way i could build a set up that i would end up spending alot of money on and would work out easier for me and my family money wise that shelling out 400pnd pluss in one go


also anyone have any suggestions asfar as parts etc im looking to build a dmr m4 receiver set (full metal gbb) not to fussed on marking etc


it will be locked to semi and be used for mid to long range counter sniping role aswell as not being to long to reduce cqb playability


cheers in advance

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It is illegal to purchase or make a RIF without a valid defence. I would also not recommend a GBBR for a new player as they are a PITA to set up tinker with and generally fettle to get to work consistently. There is a thread ref GBBR which will give you the advice to new users.

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Hi asked a simular question about parts and its a big NO NO classed as manufacturing a RIF.



ahh okies i wonder if only purchasing the internals etc untill i have a defence then purchasing the receiver after i have a defence sorted would be ok as theres nothing on wolf armouries saying u need to have a defence to order a hop up unit motor etc

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There's nothing to stop you doing it, but it IS illegal.


Not to own the parts as individual components, even as the receiver, grip, stock etc. but the second you construct it without having your defence sorted out, you're breaking the law.

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Ed just owning the parts and storing them in the same place is braking the law as it could be construed and will be by the prosecution that you intended to manufacture a RIF

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Cheers for the info guys looks like I'm gunna have to just save up over the next few months like originally planned

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i do suspect i could be wrong only having read and mildly understood the laws pre dating the VCRA but Finius will know for sure i only aim to lighten the load and show off my superior intellect just a little bit.


I do believe though it was discussed in another thread or rather told by me that you can however just hold off from buying the Receiver's Outer Barrel's and Stock you will be Fine but again i can't find the thread so Finius is your man

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